Okay have you had enough yet? Enough with the lies, the smear, the whole disgusting way some of our elected politicians are dealing with the healthcare reform debate. I know there will always be opposition to certain ideas, but if your idea is so much better than my idea, why do you have to lie to get your point across. And to make matters worse, we the people seem to have accepted this as the status quo.
First there was "Obama was not born in the US. Then there was "Obama wants to kill your grandma, and your disabled children". Then there was "Obama is a Communist". Obama is a Nazi!
Now this morning the pundits on the internet are declaring that "Americans are losing faith in Obama". Bullshit!!!!
This guy has barely been in office for a little more than six months, and Americans are losing faith? What happened to all those same people, and why didn't they lose faith in George Bush? I mean this guy not only made it his first priority in office to give the rich folks a tax cut, but then went on to lie about the need to invade Iraq, and sent more than 4000 of your children to their deaths. Yes 4000 of YOUR children! And how about his idea to privatize Social Security, and invest that money in the stock market? Now there's something to lose faith in. George Bush and his cronies fixed the economy so that no one but the rich could succeed.
George Bush and his best bud Big Dick Cheney worked it so the majority of people in this country could do nothing but lose. And what gets me to this day, after eight years of nothing from our government, we still have those George Bush people out on the street corners declaring that anything Barack Obama suggests is somehow a communist ploy.
Now I'm not the smartest person in the world, but it seems to me when your government dismisses the will of the people for their own gain, that is communism. That is socialism. That's a Nazi.
Now granted Barack Obama may have a different way of going about his business, but I haven't heard any lies coming out of his mouth. Here's a guy who was left with an insurmountable situation, and it seems that at every turn there are folks waiting to cut him down. And it hasn't been proven otherwise that all the guy wants to do is make it right for millions of people to live a better life.
While the pundits, and the street corner preachers are proclaiming that giving money to the auto makers is socialist, I wonder what they're saying in those towns where GM is now calling folks back to work.
Where they're screaming that Obama's heath care reform is nothing more than a ploy to give the government free reign over our very souls, what is being said among the folks who have no way of taking care of health issues they've been dealing with for more than a year. The craziest thing may be the people so upset over a public health option while being on Medicare, or Medicaid. And the one question I haven't heard from these folks that are so upset is to ask these people in office how come Obama's idea is so bad for the country, but we haven't heard a peep out of the senators, and congressmen about how bad their health care insurance is. (Things that make you go Hum!).
There is so much misinformation out there these days it boggles the mind. And to hear these people on the news proclaiming they know what's going on because they use the internet, someone should hip them to FACTCHECK.ORG.
I listened to the pundits say Obama doesn't need the Republicans to pass anything. Just go it alone. Well that's not how he campaigned for for president. He campaigned on leaving that type of bullshit alone, and coming together to get things done. Now we have folks in his own party working against him because they don't want to lose their lobbyist monies to his healthcare plan. We have people questioning his strength as a leader. When this whole mess got started no one in Washington agreed with the public option. Now that Obama backed off that just a little, it now has become the most important issue in passing this bill. WTF!
Come on people. We can't have it both ways. Either we will change the way government has been run or we leave it alone and continue down this road to ruin.
Obama didn't borrow trillions of dollars from other countries to pay our way. Obama didn't take from the poor to give to the rich. Although, my personal take on the war in Afghanistan is that it's a mistake. Get out of other folks business, and that would almost pay for health care on it's own.
Before I finish this rant I have to speak on the folks carrying guns to town hall meetings. Why? All you hear from those people is that it is their right to bear arms. Yeah I can agree with that. I have guns and I don't want anybody telling me that a can't keep them, but why do you have a gun at a town hall meeting? Are you planning on taking somebody out? And just who are you targeting? Obama? Me? So maybe Obama was right in saying these people cling to their guns.
The eight years under the Bush administration has turned this country into a sniveling pile of wimps. Fear, fear,fear,fear,FEAR! Everybody is afraid. All the way from raising their children to choosing our quality of life. When will we stand up and be men and women again? When will we take it upon ourselves to find out the facts? We have gotten so used to depending on others to tell us what they say is the truth that we live our daily lives believing lies.

I know there will be those of you that read this and think I've got it all wrong, but I feel that this screaming down your representatives when they're trying to explain or answer your question is stupid. If you don't give them the chance to speak how will you get their information? I feel that the posters of Barack Obama as Hitler is nothing more than to show your disappointment that a Black man is in charge of running this country. The swastikas painted on offices of politicians is abhorrent. The show of guns is an attempt to intimidate those who do not feel the same way they do. And I respect your opinion on these matters. But tell me where this does our country any good. Explain to me that this is the best avenue of approach.
I am not a rich man. To be perfectly honest I'm one of millions of people finding it harder and harder to get along each month. My situation warrants my faith in a public option. Without Medicare I would've lost my home, and gone bankrupt long ago. Why don't I see these people in my situation on the news, and on the internet. Why don't I see them standing with their signs and posters on street corners proclaiming the need for the public option? Where are you? Why won't you speak up?