By Stephen Wilburn
Now let me get this straight. It was okay for Ronald Reagan to give a pep talk to our children, and it was okay for George W. Bush to give to give a pep talk to our children, but it is NOT okay for Barack Obama to give a pep talk to our children?
Can somebody other than those frozen with the fear of socialism, communism, or Nazi craziyism come up with an answer for me? Could it be "FEAR OF A BLACK MAN IN CHARGE"? Things that make you go hum!
We as a nation are losing our integrity, our optimistic outlook on life, our strength as a people, and our ability to think clearly in the face of ridiculously constructed bullshit from the right.
Ladies and gentlemen this is our president. The President of these United States of America! United. Now thats a laugh. Sure there are a lot of us on the same page, but again as I stated in my healthcare blog there are not enough of our voices being heard. How stupid can you be to create false statements to keep your child from listening to the leader of our country when his message is "stay in school, do better in school, prepare for more school, then prepare for greatness. Oh yeah I forgot. His message is really about becoming one of his followers. His message is about our children becoming the likes of Hitler's Youth Corps. His message is to hell with your mother and father! Listen to me and only me! Look into my eyes! I've got you in my power now, and will never let you go. Resistance is futile!!!!!!!!
Here we have a man whose future was determined by education. As long as he worked hard, stayed in school, and did his homework he was destined for greatness. Which is the same thing he had planned to say to our nations children. But no. We have people crying on the tele because Obama is trying to persuade our kids to become one in his cult..
Man, I remember way back when, when we Americans could have a debate on a range of subjects without lowering ourselves to name callers, and finger biters. (Of course I don't mean all of us). But I do mean most of us.
Hey. I hadn't planned on writing the blog today, but I'm getting to the point where I just want to go somewhere else. All of the fighting and bickering is bringing me down man. Every time I check the news, or turn on the pundits, there's another dumb ass individual stating that they want their country back. Crying that Barack Obama is turning us into a communist nation. Again I ask, where were all of these people while Bush, and Cheney were running this country into the ground???
Wait a minute. Let me calm down and catch my breath.
I was going to rant some more, but what's the use. We will always have ignorance, but we'll just have to overlook it as we've always done. Personally I'm going to hit the showers, get some ice for my cooler, fill it with water, beer, and sodas, head out to my wife's family reunion, and spend the day eating BBQ, massive selections of side dishes, salads, cobblers of all sorts, and talking with some folks who can't wait to hear what Mr. President has to say.
You all have a great and very blessed Labor Day 2009. PEACE!
Politico’s Nia-Malika Henderson: “School districts from Maryland to Texas are fielding angry complaints from parents opposed to President Barack Obama’s back-to-school address Tuesday – forcing districts to find ways to shield students from the speech as conservative opposition to Obama spills into the nation’s classrooms.”
The Fox Broadcasting Company will not air the Presidential Address to Congress on Wednesday, September 9 at 8:00 PM (ET). And Broadcasting & Cable reports that the network will instead broadcast the premiere of the new season of "So You Think You Can Dance" at 8 p.m. as well as the first new episode of "Glee" at 9 p.m.:
Many conservatives enraged over Obama school speech
By Alan Silverleib
(CNN) -- The White House found itself on the defensive Friday over what would ordinarily be considered the most uncontroversial of events: a back-to-school speech to the nation's children. Many conservative parents aren't buying it. They're convinced the president is going to use the opportunity to press a partisan political agenda on impressionable young minds.
"Thinking about my kids in school having to listen to that just really upsets me," suburban Colorado mother Shanneen Barron told CNN Denver affiliate KMGH. "I'm an American. They are Americans, and I don't feel that's OK. I feel very scared to be in this country with our leadership right now."
Florida GOP Chairman Jim Greer released a statement this week accusing Obama of using taxpayer money to "indoctrinate" children.
"As the father of four children, I am absolutely appalled that taxpayer dollars are being used to spread President Obama's socialist ideology," Greer said. "The idea that school children across our nation will be forced to watch the president justify his plans ... is not only infuriating, but goes against beliefs of the majority of Americans, while bypassing American parents through an invasive abuse of power."
Nonsense, the White House replied.
"The goal of the speech and the lesson plans is to challenge students to work hard, stay in school and dramatically reduce the dropout rate," an administration spokesman said. "This isn't a policy speech. It's a speech designed to encourage kids to stay in school." White House officials noted that Obama's speech, which will be available for anyone to view on the Web on Monday, is not unprecedented. President George H.W. Bush delivered a nationally televised speech to students from a Washington D.C., school in the fall of 1991, encouraging them to say no to drugs and work hard.
In November 1988, President Ronald Reagan delivered more politically charged remarks that were made available to students nationwide. Among other things, Reagan called taxes "such a penalty on people that there's no incentive for them to prosper ... because they have to give so much to the government."
Charles Saylors, president of the national Parent Teacher Association, said the uproar over Obama's speech is "sad."
"The president of the United States, regardless of political affiliation, should be able to have a presentation and have a pep talk, if you will, to America's students," he told CNN.
Why it's pathetic to shield our kids from Obama's education speech
Posted by: omekongo // Sep 4, 2009 // viewed 50,762 times // shared 191 times
Washington, District of Columbia
Post speaks to how pathetic it is for parents to shield their kids from the President's message. Just as he did not politicize Senator Kennedy's funeral, he will not politicize a speech on education. Just as with health care, we're showing our kids that if they disagree with someone, they can just not listen to them or just shout them down or bite off a finger. Post concludes by stating that if we want well-rounded children, we need to expose them to different people as opposed to telling them what to think. I grew up under 3 republican presidents and turned and my parents made me listen to all of them and discuss what was said. That's how I grew. They didn't shield me from Reagan or the Bushes.This isn't "Birth of a Nation", a 1920s movie where the white woman had to be saved from the black man. This is a speech about education in a nation where we have a 50% dropout rate and lag behind developing countries in math and science. The President owes his life to education. We need all the motivation we can get on keeping kids in school!