Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pastor Prays for President Obama's Death

Who is Wiley Drake? A former vice-president of the Southern Baptist Convention and the pastor of a church in Buena Vista, California. Following the murder of Dr. Tiller this alleged “Christian” had this spew out of his mouth:

"I am glad George Tiller is dead," Wiley Drake said on his Crusade Radio program June 1. Drake, called Tiller "a brutal, murdering monster" and said he is "grateful to God" that the physician is no longer around.

"There may be a lot who would say, 'Oh that is mean. You shouldn't be that way,'" Drake said. "Well, no, it's an answer to prayer."

The type of prayer Drake is referring to is what he calls “imprecatory” defined as praying for evil or misfortune to come to someone, in other words, a curse.

But Mr. Drake didn’t stop at Dr. Tiller, he is now praying for the death of President Obama. From Alan Colmes’ radio show, June 2:

Asked if there are others for whom Drake is praying "imprecatory prayer," Drake hesitated before answering that there are several. "The usurper that is in the White House is one, B. Hussein Obama," he said.

Later in the interview, Colmes returned to Drake's answer to make sure he heard him right.

"Are you praying for his death?" Colmes asked.

"Yes," Drake replied.

"So you're praying for the death of the president of the United States?"


"You would like for the president of the United States to die?" Colmes asked once more.

"If he does not turn to God and does not turn his life around, I am asking God to enforce imprecatory prayers that are throughout the Scripture that would cause him death, that's correct."

Here’s audio of the exchange.

I’ll make you a wager. I’ll bet you won’t hear Hannity and Limbaugh play this in an endless loop like they did the statements of Reverend Wright. Any takers?


By Larry W. King

Volume II, Number XXV

September 25, 2009

Get Fully Equipped!

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” – II Timothy 3:16-17 (NIV)

Timothy was a protégé of the Apostle Paul and his hand-picked favorite to carry on his foundational ministry – establishing and building up the early Christian church throughout Europe and Asia Minor. Timothy was trained and ordained by Paul and served as the Bishop of Ephesus for some 15 years. In his letters to Timothy, Paul addresses him as “my own son in the faith” and “my dearly beloved son”. Like every good father, Paul gives Timothy wise counsel and sage advice for the difficult road ahead. And the road was difficult indeed. History records that Timothy was stoned to death by an angry mob, as he attempted to block a parade of pagan idols through the streets of Ephesus. Timothy’s martyrdom underscores the extent to which he was ‘sold out’ to the Lord. “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” – John 15:13 (KJV). Are we equally committed?

The epistles to Timothy are primers on exemplary Christian conduct and a Spiritually-enlightened lifestyle. Foreseeing Timothy’s future as a church leader, Paul gives explicit details on the proper behavior for bishops, priests, deacons and laity. Both letters are relatively short – just six and four chapters, respectively – so I encourage you, dear reader, to take the time to absorb them in their entirety. I guarantee you’ll NOT be disappointed. As he writes to Timothy, Paul hits us 21st-century believers “right between the eyes” with his unique brand of priceless, yet practical prose. Here are three of Paul’s noteworthy points for your consideration:

1) Regardless of age, live in constant integrity. Paul writes, “Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith and your purity. Stay true to what is right for the sake of your own salvation and the salvation of those who hear you” – I Timothy 4:12, 16b (NLT). The 1st-century Christians of Ephesus were watching young Timothy, and your family, friends and colleagues are watching YOU. As the old adage goes, ‘actions speak louder than words’. What are YOUR actions saying about you?

2) Work diligently to be knowledgeable regarding God’s Word. Hear well the wise Apostle’s exhortation to Timothy: “Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth” – II Timothy 2:15 (AMP). Diligence (i.e. DAILY determination) is certainly a key factor here. We must be constantly hungry for the Word! Have you have taken a “less-than-eager” approach to truly studying the Bible? Who in your circle may depend on your proper understanding and explanation of scripture? Whose blessing or illumination just might be blocked, simply because of your sloth? As we honestly evaluate and examine ourselves, are we not found – at least occasionally – lacking? Need I say more?

3) Preach His Word powerfully – at all times. Paul minces no words with Timothy. “Herald and preach the Word! Keep your sense of urgency [stand by, be at hand and ready], whether the opportunity seems to be favorable or unfavorable. [Whether it is convenient or inconvenient, whether it is welcome or unwelcome, you as preacher of the Word are to show people in what way their lives are wrong.] And convince them, rebuking and correcting, warning and urging and encouraging them, being unflagging and inexhaustible in patience and teaching” – II Timothy 4:2 (AMP).

OK. I hear you saying, Larry, most of us are NOT called to preach. Neither are we church-founding Apostles, like Paul, nor martyred Bishops, like Timothy. Cherished reader, I understand that and I couldn’t agree more. I am no more a Saint Paul or Timothy than the man in the moon! However, as followers of The Way, our LIVES – that is, our conversation, our actions and even our thoughts – ARE our sermon. Know beyond all doubt that – once you have decided to walk in the pathway blazed by our Lord, Jesus Christ – folks are watching. They’re watching, and listening, and taking notes … on everything you do.

Thus, the only way we have any hope of living a life which preaches to others is to be FILLED UP with the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. Like Paul’s words from our text, my prayer for you is that - when it comes to studying and understanding the Bible – you get fully equipped!


Larry W. King is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music (Magna cum Laude) and heads the Denver-based music group, Kingdom Kru. He serves as Minister of Music at Faith Community Baptist Church under the leadership of co-pastors Rev. Douglas and Katherine Farley.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Women Face Unfair and Discriminatory Insurance Industry Practices

Good morning, good morning,

It's a new rant this morning ya'll. The truth on the discrimination of women is hitting the fan at full force. I think in the past what we've felt is the worst action towards women is that they don't get paid the same wages for the same job as men. But after reading a bit more on the subject, I've found that presently, insurance companies, and health providers have been treating our women like South Carolina slaves. I couldn't believe some of the health problems that could be deemed uninsurable by their health insurance companies. Already knowing that insurance companies would not take a pregnant woman since she would have a preexisting condition, I found the problem even more disturbing after reading it was the same for Acne and Asthma. I decided to check out more information on the subject, and what I found was something that made me go ."HUM"!

I took a few days off to get away from the computer. But I have been paying attention to the healthcare battle with an eagle eye. The latest episode of this drama to catch my attention is the number of women I see in these protest media clips. Obviously they don't know about this information either. Which is a damned shame. If the insurance companies are discriminating against you, why the hell are you out there on street corners proclaiming that Obama wants to take your freedom by trying to reform health care? What the hell has a poster depicting Barack Obama as Hitler have to do with the the fact that presently insurance companies are stealing from you. And will drop you when you really get sick.

This tells me what I'm sure we've all found out these last few months, that Repthuglican men don't give a damn about their women either. This takes the top position over the whore mongering C Street guys, and the governor finding his true love in Argentina. That these men would treat their spouses the same way they would treat a Black man or a Mexican is deep! Deep I tell you. But at the same time they're keeping quality care from all women. It's even worse for Black, and Hispanic women Hell, from my woman, and that rates an ass whuppin!!

I believe now is the time for all of us (MEN) to stand up for our women and proclaim that we are not going to take this shit anymore. It's time for our voice to hit the airwaves. We should be marching on Washington, and holding our posters for the media to see demanding affordable health care for everyone.

Our women do twice the work but get half the prize? That ain't right. Seeing that most married women have to work and take care of the kids and household they should get a free ride like all federal employees, not to mention single parent families. And the same for men who are considered House Husbands. And those husbands and wives that hit the workforce every morning should have a healthcare system in their favor. Affordable,and complete.

When will the media pay attention to he needs of Americans, not just the complaints? It's time to throw political correctness out the window, and get down to business. The MSM want to stay on the race card when they should be on the discrimination card. We should stay out of everyone else's business on humanity issues and get our own house

in order.

You all have a great and blessed day. PEACE!


I've included below the web address for each excerpt.

This next info is from the National Women's Law


Why Women Need Health Reform

Today, millions of women in the United States depend on a health care system that is failing them. They face unfair insurance industry practices, have trouble affording necessary care, or struggle to find insurance that covers the benefits they need. Considering women’s experiences with our health system, it is no wonder that in a Spring 2009 poll, more than 76% of women said they thought our current health care system should be reformed or radically changed; only 19% want to keep the status quo. Women’s well-being—and that of their families—depends on health reform that meets their needs.

Women Face Unfair and Discriminatory Insurance Industry Practices

Insurers in most states are allowed to consider gender when setting premium rates in both the individual and group markets. As a result of “gender rating,” women, and businesses with predominantly female workforces, are often charged more than men for the exact same coverage. In eight states and D.C., it is still legal for insurers to reject a woman’s health insurance application if she is a victim of domestic violence. Insurers may exclude coverage for certain “pre-existing” conditions; if a woman has previously had a Cesarean section, for instance, insurers may refuse to pay for future C-sections or reject her application altogether.

Women Have More Trouble Affording Necessary Health Care

 Women are generally poorer than men, earning just 78 cents for every dollar men earn. Women also use the health care system more, in part due to their reproductive health needs. Because they are poorer and use more care, women spend a greater share of their income on their health needs. Regardless of whether they have insurance, women are more likely than men to report cost-related problems with accessing health care, and to struggle with medical bills or debt.

 Unaffordable cost-sharing requirements, annual limits on covered services, or health plan limits on lifetime expenditures have a disproportionate impact on women. They are more likely than men to be underinsured, or to have coverage but still spend more than they can afford on health care.

Women Struggle to Find Coverage for the Benefits They Need

 Women are more likely to use certain health care services—such as prescription drugs and mental health care—that many health plans limit or exclude altogether. Women need coverage for a full range of reproductive health services.

 Compared to men, women visit health providers more often and use more preventive care. They are also more likely to suffer from a chronic condition requiring ongoing care, such as arthritis or asthma. They are particularly ill-served by “bare-bones” health plans without coverage for the benefits that are critical to maintaining women’s health. It is very difficult—and sometimes impossible—for women to find coverage for maternity care in the individual health insurance market.



From an article in "The Nation".


August 21, 2009

To be sure, no group is doing well under our network of private insurers, which is more holes than net. But women fare particularly badly in terms of health, being more likely than men to leave a prescription unfilled; forgo seeing a needed specialist; and skip a medical test, treatment or follow-up. Financially, women are worse off, too, in large part because they earn less money. Despite the fact that they skimp on their care to cut costs, three in five women are still unable to pay their medical bills. All of which makes it surprising that men and women support health reform in almost equal numbers (38 versus 40 percent consider it a top priority, according to a recent Kaiser poll). Odder and ickier still is the sight of Sarah Palin, Betsy McCaughey and other women leading, or sometimes blindly following, the wacko town hall movement against reform.

  • Many of women's problems stem from the fact that to get anything close to decent private insurance, you usually need a full-time job, which women are less likely than men to have--52 percent versus 73 percent. (The flip side of this problem is that linking jobs to insurance leaves many women tethered to full-time jobs they'd rather not have, given their other responsibilities. In fact, 60 percent of full-time working mothers would prefer part-time work, according to a 2007 Pew poll. While some keep their full-time jobs for the income, many others stay because they have no other way to get health benefits.) Many women who work part-time or stay at home have become a sort of medical underclass, stuck without insurance, paying dearly for it out of their own pockets or, as was Jemilla Mulvihill's experience, begging desperately, and unsuccessfully, for the opportunity to pay dearly for it out-of-pocket.



Rising health care costs coupled with eroding health care benefits are having a substantial effect on Americans' ability to get needed health care, with women particularly affected. Women experience cost-related access problems and medical bill problems more often than men. In 2007, more than half (52%) of women reported problems accessing needed care because of cost and 45 percent of women accrued medical debt or reported problems with medical bills. Since women use more health care services than men, they are more exposed to the fragmentation and failings of the current health care system—underscoring the need for affordable and high-quality health insurance coverage that is available to all.


S. D. Rustgi, M. M. Doty, and S. R. Collins, Women at Risk: Why Many Women Are Forgoing Needed Health Care, The Commonwealth Fund, May 2009.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009


By Larry W. King

Volume II, Number XXIII

September 8, 2009

Purpose In Your Pain!

“… ‘My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son’. Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” – Hebrews 12:5b-7, 11 (NIV)

When it comes to discipline or punishment, most of us have heard the old adage, “son (or daughter), this is gonna hurt me more than it does you”, haven’t we? I have to admit, I’d always felt that was pure drivel - until I becamea father!

My 19-year-old son, Myles (named after Miles Davis, one of my musical heroes), is very much like his old man – in looks, in demeanor, in love of music and drama, etc. He’s a terrific teen and has often made me a VERY proud Papa – especially with his piano and his dedicated service on the altar at church. However, like every child, on occasion he needed to be disciplined or punished. It was during those times that I came to recognize the golden truth of the aforementioned saying, which I’d skeptically doubted – disciplining your child DOES hurt the parent. Why? Because – at least in my case – it felt like I was whipping myself!

My dear mother often said, “experience is a cruel but very effective teacher”, a quip I shall NEVER forget! Assuredly, in many cases, Myles had done the very same thing – or had the same experience - which got ME in trouble and punished by MY father as a youngster. Of course, the irony was not lost on yours truly. I realized that what Myles had done was nothing worse than the very sins I had committed at his age (or younger!). Nevertheless, while that was true, discipline or punishment was no less justified and necessary. As a loving parent, I was righteously compelled to firmly administer - to his backside - the consequences of bad behavior. Like father like son …

Solomon, in his unsurpassed wisdom, speaks volumes on the parental responsibility for discipline with a single sentence as he exhorts, “train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” – Proverbs 22:6 (KJV). How much MORE true is this for our Heavenly Father? All humankind is His creation, and all believers are His cherished sons and daughters! Moreover, He LOVES us far beyond anything we can ask or even conceive. Yet, as the apostle Paul declares in our inspiring text, because He loves us He MUST discipline or punish us when we sin.

So, is there any question that God grieves over His children when we misbehave? Does He not shed paternal tears whenever His offspring mistreat, abuse or murder each other? Could we possibly doubt that it is His gracewhich grants us the free will to make the crazy bad choices we often do? Are we surprised by the frequently disastrous consequences of those choices? And is it not due to His endless, abundant mercy that (IF we allow Him) He uses those consequences to amend our ways and CHANGE our character?

Notwithstanding, discipline – which leads to behavior modification and builds integrity – NEVER feels good! It hurts. It’s painful. We scream. We cry bitter, salty tears. We RUN away. We yell at God, “why me, Lord, why ME?” in our agony. And we wonder if the pain will ever end.

But the best thing about our Father is He forever HEARS us. He hears every prayer. He knows what we’re going through. He cares, He listens, He acknowledges and He replies. If WE will just listen closely, we’ll hear His still, small voice whispering, “I know daughter. I KNOW, son. You messed up real bad. And I hate what you’re going through - but I still LOVE you and I ALWAYS will. You are my dear child, my creation and my beloved. You look just like your Daddy! I know it hurts terribly right now, but hang in there. I am with you. And my peace is yours for the asking. So ask, and take heart. Be strong, for there is surely MY … purpose in your pain!


Larry W. King is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music (Magna cum Laude) and heads the Denver-based music group, Kingdom Kru. He serves as Minister of Music at Faith Community Baptist Church under the leadership of co-pastors Rev. Douglas and Katherine Farley.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


By Stephen Wilburn

Now let me get this straight. It was okay for Ronald Reagan to give a pep talk to our children, and it was okay for George W. Bush to give to give a pep talk to our children, but it is NOT okay for Barack Obama to give a pep talk to our children?

Can somebody other than those frozen with the fear of socialism, communism, or Nazi craziyism come up with an answer for me? Could it be "FEAR OF A BLACK MAN IN CHARGE"? Things that make you go hum!

We as a nation are losing our integrity, our optimistic outlook on life, our strength as a people, and our ability to think clearly in the face of ridiculously constructed bullshit from the right.

Ladies and gentlemen this is our president. The President of these United States of America! United. Now thats a laugh. Sure there are a lot of us on the same page, but again as I stated in my healthcare blog there are not enough of our voices being heard. How stupid can you be to create false statements to keep your child from listening to the leader of our country when his message is "stay in school, do better in school, prepare for more school, then prepare for greatness. Oh yeah I forgot. His message is really about becoming one of his followers. His message is about our children becoming the likes of Hitler's Youth Corps. His message is to hell with your mother and father! Listen to me and only me! Look into my eyes! I've got you in my power now, and will never let you go. Resistance is futile!!!!!!!!

Here we have a man whose future was determined by education. As long as he worked hard, stayed in school, and did his homework he was destined for greatness. Which is the same thing he had planned to say to our nations children. But no. We have people crying on the tele because Obama is trying to persuade our kids to become one in his cult..

Man, I remember way back when, when we Americans could have a debate on a range of subjects without lowering ourselves to name callers, and finger biters. (Of course I don't mean all of us). But I do mean most of us.

Hey. I hadn't planned on writing the blog today, but I'm getting to the point where I just want to go somewhere else. All of the fighting and bickering is bringing me down man. Every time I check the news, or turn on the pundits, there's another dumb ass individual stating that they want their country back. Crying that Barack Obama is turning us into a communist nation. Again I ask, where were all of these people while Bush, and Cheney were running this country into the ground???

Wait a minute. Let me calm down and catch my breath.

I was going to rant some more, but what's the use. We will always have ignorance, but we'll just have to overlook it as we've always done. Personally I'm going to hit the showers, get some ice for my cooler, fill it with water, beer, and sodas, head out to my wife's family reunion, and spend the day eating BBQ, massive selections of side dishes, salads, cobblers of all sorts, and talking with some folks who can't wait to hear what Mr. President has to say.

You all have a great and very blessed Labor Day 2009. PEACE!

Politico’s Nia-Malika Henderson: “School districts from Maryland to Texas are fielding angry complaints from parents opposed to President Barack Obama’s back-to-school address Tuesday – forcing districts to find ways to shield students from the speech as conservative opposition to Obama spills into the nation’s classrooms.”

The Fox Broadcasting Company will not air the Presidential Address to Congress on Wednesday, September 9 at 8:00 PM (ET). And Broadcasting & Cable reports that the network will instead broadcast the premiere of the new season of "So You Think You Can Dance" at 8 p.m. as well as the first new episode of "Glee" at 9 p.m.:

Many conservatives enraged over Obama school speech

By Alan Silverleib


(CNN) -- The White House found itself on the defensive Friday over what would ordinarily be considered the most uncontroversial of events: a back-to-school speech to the nation's children. Many conservative parents aren't buying it. They're convinced the president is going to use the opportunity to press a partisan political agenda on impressionable young minds.

"Thinking about my kids in school having to listen to that just really upsets me," suburban Colorado mother Shanneen Barron told CNN Denver affiliate KMGH. "I'm an American. They are Americans, and I don't feel that's OK. I feel very scared to be in this country with our leadership right now."

Florida GOP Chairman Jim Greer released a statement this week accusing Obama of using taxpayer money to "indoctrinate" children.

"As the father of four children, I am absolutely appalled that taxpayer dollars are being used to spread President Obama's socialist ideology," Greer said. "The idea that school children across our nation will be forced to watch the president justify his plans ... is not only infuriating, but goes against beliefs of the majority of Americans, while bypassing American parents through an invasive abuse of power."

Nonsense, the White House replied.

"The goal of the speech and the lesson plans is to challenge students to work hard, stay in school and dramatically reduce the dropout rate," an administration spokesman said. "This isn't a policy speech. It's a speech designed to encourage kids to stay in school." White House officials noted that Obama's speech, which will be available for anyone to view on the Web on Monday, is not unprecedented. President George H.W. Bush delivered a nationally televised speech to students from a Washington D.C., school in the fall of 1991, encouraging them to say no to drugs and work hard.

In November 1988, President Ronald Reagan delivered more politically charged remarks that were made available to students nationwide. Among other things, Reagan called taxes "such a penalty on people that there's no incentive for them to prosper ... because they have to give so much to the government."

Charles Saylors, president of the national Parent Teacher Association, said the uproar over Obama's speech is "sad."

"The president of the United States, regardless of political affiliation, should be able to have a presentation and have a pep talk, if you will, to America's students," he told CNN.


Why it's pathetic to shield our kids from Obama's education speech

Posted by: omekongo // Sep 4, 2009 // viewed 50,762 times // shared 191 times

Washington, District of Columbia

Post speaks to how pathetic it is for parents to shield their kids from the President's message. Just as he did not politicize Senator Kennedy's funeral, he will not politicize a speech on education. Just as with health care, we're showing our kids that if they disagree with someone, they can just not listen to them or just shout them down or bite off a finger. Post concludes by stating that if we want well-rounded children, we need to expose them to different people as opposed to telling them what to think. I grew up under 3 republican presidents and turned and my parents made me listen to all of them and discuss what was said. That's how I grew. They didn't shield me from Reagan or the Bushes.This isn't "Birth of a Nation", a 1920s movie where the white woman had to be saved from the black man. This is a speech about education in a nation where we have a 50% dropout rate and lag behind developing countries in math and science. The President owes his life to education. We need all the motivation we can get on keeping kids in school!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Stories You May Have Missed

My letter to the president took a lot out of me yesterday. Not that it was so lengthy that I was tired after writing it. But rather soul shaking having to break on my man Obama. Kind of like when you have to spank your children. You know it's for the best, but it hurts you anyway.

But good friend, The Unk of Funk Reggie Carter put it best: " A closed mouth don't get fed"!
And there you have it!!

So today I'm just posting some interesting stories I read today. A lot of these usually don't make it to the headlines. For the life of me I don't know why. I've added some photos that may not have anything to do with the story, but some of them give us a great picture of what the country is turning into.

You all have a great and blessed day. PEACE!

Wheelchair-Bound Woman Shouted Down At New Jersey Health Care

Huffington Post | David Weiner
First Posted: 09- 2-09 02:11 PM | U

pdated: 09- 2-09 04:19 PM

Congressman Frank Pallone (D-NJ), the man who recently "let it be known" that he'd step in should Gov. Corzine drop out of the New Jersey gubernatorial race, had his hands full at a town hall meeting in Red Bank last week.

More than 1,500 people showed up to talk health care, but things quickly turned ugly. Much like the unruly town hall meetings that have been going on across the country, the angry crowd held up bizarre and nonsensical posters of protest while hurling insults at Rep. Pallone, and each other.

A new low for these meetings may have been set when the crowd shouted down a wheelchair-bound woman with "two incurable auto-immune diseases" who had the gall to ask a question.


Healthcare reform advocate punched by opponent at Nelson event

A 65-year-old man rallying in favor of healthcare reform was knocked to the ground by a man who disagreed with the call for a government-run health plan outside of a Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce meeting headlined by Sen. Bill Nelson.

Luis Perrero of Coral Gables was standing among about 40 Democratic activists and union workers when a man in a Ford pick-up truck pulled up to the rally at Jungle Island

and began arguing with the crowd. Th

e man, who only gave his first name as Raul, said Perrero called him a Spanish curse

word. He punched Perrero in the face. Perrero fell to the ground and lay motionless for a few minutes.


GOPers Decrying "Socialized Medicine" Go To Govt. Hospital For Surgeries

Republicans in Congress have raised the specter of a bloated, "socialized," bureaucrat-run nightmare of a health care system as a means of undermining the White House's effort at a systematic overhaul. And yet, as Democratic sources are now pointing out, when medical crisis hit close to home, many of these same officials turned to a government-run hospital for their own intensive care and difficult surgeries.

Take, for instance, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who warned that "a government takeover of health care" would "take away the care that people already have [and] are perfectly satisfied with."

In its place, the senator said, would be "a system in which care and treatment will be either delayed or denied."

That was July 2009. In February 2003, McConnell actually went to one of those government-run institutions (where treatment is, apparently, "either delayed or denied") for a procedure of his own. The Kentucky Republican traveled to the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, to have an elective coronary artery bypass surgery after it had been revealed that he had arterial blockages.


Michael Steele: Meet Amanda Duzak

Tuesday night at Howard University, RNC chair Michael Steele did an impression of the Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz: he was absolutely heartless. Not everyday do we see the head of a major political party insult a 23 year old whose mother just died of cancer.

Duzak, a 23 year old Towson University grad, stood up, against the rules and out of turn.

"My mother died of cancer 6 months ago because she could only afford three of her six prescription chemotherapy medications," she projected. "There are 50 million people in this country who could end up like my mom, suffering or dying because they do not have adequate health care. Everyone in this room and everyone in this country should have access to good health care."

The room woke up and other than those glaring from the front, the applause was wall to wall. But it's Steele's response that makes this moment both newsworthy and a terrible comment on his character. After saying that he believed in a mature, honest discussion and not in shouting, Steele said, "People are coming to these town meetings and they're like [he then shakes]." He then looked and gestured right at Ms. Duzak and said, "It makes for great TV. You'll probably make it tonight, enjoy it." He then turned his back to her, as the crowd clapped.


Inhofe blasts Obama at Grove town hall

By RANDY KREHBIEL World Staff Writer

Published: 9/2/2009 5:56 PM

Last Modified: 9/2/2009 10:14 PM

GROVE — Right-thinking Americans can only hope the country will survive the next 16 months of the Obama administration until Republicans can regain control of Congress, U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe said Wednesday.

“I never dreamed I would see an administration try to disavow all the things that have made this country different from all others,” Inhofe told more than 300 people at a town hall meeting in the Grove Community Center.

“I have never seen so many things happening at one time so disheartening to America.” Inhofe found a highly receptive audience. Many wore T-shirts of a local organization called Get America Back. Its Web site promises “a plan to eliminate the socialist government and return Americas (sic) freedoms.”

Wednesday’s audience was similar to those at town hall meetings throughout northeastern Oklahoma in recent weeks. Concerns centered on the administration and Democratic-controlled Congress.

Inhofe gave his constituents plenty to worry about.

“Every institution that has made this country the greatest nation in the world is under attack,” he said at the end of the 75-minute session.

During those 75 minutes, Inh

ofe said President Barack Obama is disarming the military, is destroying everything good about America and is determined to turn foreign terrorists loose on U.S. soil.

The good news, he said, is that he does not think the Democratic leadership can push through

health-care reform or the more controversial parts of its energy bill.

He also said he continues to be proven correct in his claim that global climate change is a hoax.

“More and more, with each month that goes by, more scientists agree with me,” he said. “We are winning.”


Fox News Shocked Van Jones Called Republicans "Assholes" -- In February

Oooh, boy! I know what Glenn Beck is going to be talking about on his Fox News Comedy Cavalcade today! The Hill reports that a video of White House green jobs adviser Van Jones is rocketing around the internet today, in which Jones, appearing at a lecture at the Berkeley Energy and Resources Collaborative, refers to Republicans -- and himself -- as "assholes."

The incident occurred last February, before Jones joined the administration and at a time when the battle to get the stimulus package passed was ongoing. A questioner asked Jones why it was that the Republicans were so successful at getting measures passed in the Senate without supermajorities, while the Democrats were hamstrung with 58 votes of their own. Jones short answer: "Well...they're assholes." The larger point being: sometimes it takes an asshole to get things done.


Glenn Beck's Crazy Lies About Van Jones

By Eva Paterson, Equal Justice Society. Posted August 31, 2009.

Glenn Beck spent last week smearing Van Jones with misinformation and outright lies. Here's setting the record straight.

After smearing White House special advisor Van Jones for days on his show, Glenn Beck said on August 27, 2009: "I want to point out the silence; no one has challenged these facts -- they just attack me personally."

And the truth is: Beck is fabricating his facts.

For instance: several times on his show, Beck has said or implied that Van went to prison for taking part in the Rodney King riots.


Put 'Em Up, Put 'Em Up!

This is my letter to President Barack Obama.      09/02/2009

Mr. President, 

Up until Thanksgiving 2008 I guess you would have considered my family to be middle class. Everything except our mortgage paid for. My wife and I would take a nice trip every year. I have three grown children with the first and the last trying to stay in college. But after losing my job to the failing economy I don't know what category I'm in today. But the one thing that is crystal clear is that I have been married to my first love for 32 years. And for the past 18 years my first love has been dealing with Lupus.

When she first took her disability we were paying more than $700 per month for her prescription drugs. But thanks to a government controlled healthcare plan (Medicare) she now gets her prescriptions for less than $100.  And I'm not even mentioning the 5 or 6 different doctors she has. You see, there are millions more folks out there just like my wife, but no one is listening to their needs. Everyone is caught up in the Tea Baggers, Birthers, and now people openly carrying loaded weapons to town hall meetings.

You see, this is just a short note to explain why I'm a bit confused about your promise of change. I, like a lot of folks I know are maybe not disappointed, but question your strength and your toughness these days.

I know you campaigned on bipartisanship, and transparency, but I believe the time has come for you to get Southside on these folks who call themselves REAL PATRIOTS.

The fight over your healthcare plan is getting out of hand, and it's time to stop the rope-a-dope now!  If you're thinking these folks will tire while banging you against the ropes, I think you've mistaken this for a boxing match, and not the tag team wrestling that it truly is. While you're waiting for your opening, they keep tagging with everyone they have, and then some. They, are not playing by the rules.

I am sick of seeing these people all over the airwaves, the internet, and in print dogging you, and you not fighting back. They are hitting you so hard that no one is paying attention to the economy getting better. They tried to dog you on the Cash for Clunkers, but had to back off because GM was calling folks back to work, and opening plants that had been shut down. Very hard to argue that point. But they are keeping everyone's mind off the stock market, and more so away from a civil healthcare debate.

You have the right wingers blatantly lying about your reform bill, and we hear nothing from the left strong enough to make even the people who are on the fence listen to reason. If it's true that 78% of the population are with you on your health care plan and public option, why don't we see them? Why don't we hear them? Why is it that I don't see the people in need twice as hard as I see everyone against it? Where is our rallying cry?  What is so hard about letting people know that insurance companies as they stand today already have been dealing us death panels. What is so hard about letting people know that everything the REAL PATRIOTS say against your healthcare plan, insurance companies have been doing for years. And why can't your people put your plan out there so the majority of people can read it, and understand it. 1500 pages seems a bit much. That in itself makes it seem that you have something to hide.

And then there are the folks calling themselves Democrats, but pulling you down at every turn. You have to expose these folks for what they are. Traitors to the Democratic cause. Because if you really think these people are going to give up the cash money they're bringing in behind insurance, and pharmaceutical companies, you are wrong. 

Good Lord man do something! I didn't vote for you because you're a Black man. I voted for the change we so desperately need in this country. I voted for the strength and sincerity I heard in your voice in every speech.  

This is not about Black, or White, Brown, Pink, or Purple. This problem concerns everyone. 

I'm hoping you turn into the president we elected. The senator with the strong will to do right by all Americans. Not the wimp I'm checking out day after day.

With folks showing posters of you as Hitler, and those bringing guns to town hall meetings, they are saying the same thing to you as Whites told Black officers serving in WW2. You may have the rank, but you don't have the right! And we know this because? Because of the rhetoric about your death, or comments made about hunting you. These REAL PATRIOTS have no respect for you. They don't care what they say, and don't care that you know they're packing!

I could go on, but I think you get the idea where I'm coming from. If you stay on this same track they will be waiting with baited breath to send you packing in 2012.

But if you knock a few of these folks down to size, then you can declare "you ain't going nowhere without your luggage"!

You have a great and blessed day. PEACE!

Stephen M. Wilburn