Had a thought this morning while watching video of 9/11/2001.
We all know that individuals in this country have a problem with those that are not of their same race, creed, color, religion. It's a problem that grew as the country grew. Blacks see Whites and comment Honky, Cracker, Peckerwood. Whites see Blacks and comment Nigger, Coon, Porch Monkey. And then we all seem to find a name for the rest of those that are different from us.
But watching video from 9/11 today I saw something that the images of that day did not allow me to pay attention to. Men and women of all races, creeds, colors, and religions marched into two burning buildings to do their jobs. At that moment there were no differences. People were in trouble, and it was their jobs to make sure we, the people, were safe.
These men, and women knew that they would most likely not make it out of those two burning buildings, but they went knowing that there were people trapped that for sure would not make it out without their help.
They went knowing that this was the most demanding endeavor of their careers. They went and marched upwards of 80 floors while the buildings burned, and smoke clouded their vision.
Shouldn't we, the rest of the world know by now that the division between the races and religions, and governments, is a waste of valuable time that we the people could have, learning so much more about the lives of others on this earth, and how to make sure the lives of all are on an equal plain.
Shouldn't we, as neighbors take the time to know each other. Take the time to watch over our children and loved ones. Take the time to really mean it when we say good morning.
To take the time to truly love our fellow man.
Stefan de' Militant.