Well it's been a couple of weeks since the Navy Seals got Osama Bin Laden and the haters are back. So I thought I'd post a few things these folks may have forgotten. This rap on our president from these people is getting old. First the man wasn't born in America. Then he was Muslim. Then he became a racist. Now he doesn't love his country. To listen to some he's a greater threat to this country than Islamic terrorists. His wife is a communist because she believes our children could be healthier if they ate the right foods. Enough. Either admit you can't stand the fact a black man is the POTUS, or admit you really don't have a clue.
An excerpt from a News One article, "Open Letter To Cornel West Tavis Smiley, And The Obama Critics".
Written by Ryan Mack on May 11, 2011 1:39 pm
1. The recovery of the Dow Jones which almost doubled since its lows during the end of the Bush presidency and the start of the Bush recession (Dow gained 30% in one year)
2. The GDP contracted as much as 6.8% in the final quarter of the Bush Presidency to within A YEAR we had expanded 5% which is almost a 12% turnaround – the largest turnaround in such a short of a time frame in the history of this country
3. We have created 2 million jobs in the past year with almost a third of those jobs coming from the first quarter of this year alone
4. Through it all TARP funds were almost all returned (have to give President Bush half the credit on this) and will only cost approximately $25 billion
5. He signed the Lily Ledbetter Act for equal pay for women
6. The drastic increase in investments in alternative energy that will finally decrease our dependence on foreign oil
7. He has issued the toughest ethics requirements for those working in his administration than any other previous President
8. Don’t Ask Don’t Tell…gone!
9. He signed into law the State Children’s Health Insurance Program
10. He enacted the largest reform in the history of this country of the student loan program through the Student Aid and Financial Responsibility Act (SAFRA) making college more affordable for those who wish to further their education
11. He instituted the largest reform of oversight through the Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure (CARD) Act in 2009 which also caused the banks to lose out on billions in revenue
12. He was able to accomplish the most comprehensive nuclear arms treaty with the Russians making us more safe through smaller amounts of nuclear arms availability (START Treaty ratification)
13. He has improved America’s image and reputation abroad
14. He has started construction on a new high speed rail system
15. He actually put $4.3 billion into the previously unfunded “No Child Left Behind” legislation to help schools improve their performance
16. Don’t forget about the negotiated rescue of the Americans from Somali pirates
17. He has made more major terrorist captures in two years than the entire 8 years of the Bush presidency including the most obvious Bin Laden
18. He SAVED the Detroit automotive industry from collapse through bailouts of Chrysler, GM, and GMAC which have largely been paid back
19. He poured $18 billion in tax breaks for small businesses into a jobs bill through the HIRE Act to spur hiring and also gave $20 billion for transit and highways programs
20. He extended unemployment insurance again in the middle of one of the most productive lame duck sessions in the history of the country (More money given to the unemployed…aren’t they are part of the impoverished since they don’t have a job? Doesn’t assistance towards them count as help for the underserved? How much more tangible can you get outside of directly giving them a check and putting billions into community colleges and job readiness programs which our President has done?)
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