By: Daddy
This will be a quick one.
Why is it when a Black man is sure of himself it’s called arrogance, but when a White man is sure of himself it’s called confidence?
Dana Milbank / Washington Post Columnist:
"Some say the supremely confident Obama -- nearly 100 days from the election, he pronounces that "the odds of us winning are very good" -- has become a president-in-waiting. But in truth, he doesn't need to wait: He has already amassed the trappings of the office, without those pesky decisions.
On his presidential-style visit to the Western Wall in Jerusalem last week, Obama left a written prayer, intercepted by an Israeli newspaper, asking God to "help me guard against pride and despair." He seems to have the despair part under control, but the pride could be a problem".
It seems to me what they’re saying is he’s an uppity Nigger!
Okay, now I know that seems a bit much, but for Black folks that’s exactly what it sounds like! Are Blacks the only folks that see a confident MAN running for President?
Let’s be honest. Barack Obama has run a very well planned campaign. All we hear from John McCain are attacks on Obama. “Obama is the cause of high oil prices”. “Obama is the cause of more fighting in Iraq”.” It’s Obama's fault my wife doesn’t love me anymore”. Somebody give me a break please! Is that what the nation has come to view as the most prominent and qualified person to fill the office of the president? (I hate to talk about your momma she’s a dear old soul).
Well you know what I mean.
I want John McCain to explain to me how opening up more offshore drilling is going to bring down the price of oil. I know it seems like a no-brainer, but won’t the oil companies just raise the price again?
And why won’t he explain why we don’t drill on leased sites that the oil companies already have?

Sure you can tell me all you want how Barack Obama can't do this, and can’t do that. But please tell me how YOU can get it done.
No matter what you may think of Barack Obama, you have to admit one thing. The man knows how run a campaign. This brings me back to an earlier question. Do we want to elect the person that can’t even run a competitive campaign? I mean if you can’t manage the few millions of dollars for your campaign, how can you be trusted to run the country with trillions of dollars at stake? Or trusted with millions of lives at stake.
John McCain hasn’t spoken on the issues for a while now. He goaded Barack into going to the Middle East, and then to Europe. Now they’re trying to say it was a purely political trip. Say what?????
Could it be that they were waiting for Barack to fall on his face? I don’t know about you, but when the brother walked on stage in Germany to the applause of over 200,000 people he seem to be exactly where he wanted to be. He walked out there and handled his business. Large and in charge!!
There is also the new argument that so what? There were a lot of people in Germany, but they can’t vote.
Now this has to be the dumbest statement yet. Or is it the Repubs don’t give a damn how the rest of the world feels about the United States? Well, we already have the answer to that one.
And then they jumped all over him for not visiting the troops in hospitals in Germany. It doesn’t matter to them that the man has been visiting troops for a while now. He also visited injured troops in Iraq, and Afghanistan. Maybe they’re just mad he didn’t invite them all to tag along.
My thought is that the repubs didn’t expect this guy to be as good as he is.
Obviously they’ve been thinking of the stereotype. And that will be their downfall.
You all have a great and blessed day. PEACE
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