July 28th 2008
By: Daddymix
This past weekend I did a gig in Paonia, Colorado. It’s a small town in Southwest Colorado with a population of just under 1500 people.
We did a gig for the BMW Motorcycle Rally. This added roughly 10,000 folks to the population for a week.
Now mind you, that I only met 2 Black men in the crowd, but the rest of the folks had a great time partying. No problems. Nothing racist. Just a great party.
While at the hotel in nearby Delta Colorado, my wife made a trip to City Market right next door. While standing in the checkout line she overhears the husband of a couple make disparaging remarks about Barack Obama.
While looking at the newest issue of People magazine with a photo of the Obama family on the cover standing in front of their home the husband says “there he is in his habitat”.
And then the husband goes on to say that Barack Obama is a communist. All the while trying to get his message to as may people he can in the near vicinity.
Thank God my wife didn’t get into it with this couple (which is really rare for her. Mamma don’t take no mess). Although the wife did make a statement that led my wife to believe her husband had embarrassed the hell out of her. I’m also glad that I wasn’t there. I would have had to tear this guy a new asshole.
Being Black in this country has always included bigotry, and racism at times far worse than my wife witnessed over the weekend. And personally I don’t think that’s going to change any time soon. I understand there will always be those White folks that will never find it within themselves to admit how wrong they are by heaping us all into the same barrel.
But that’s not my argument. My argument comes from the fact that there are some people out here of ALL races that must be too stupid to pick up a news paper and read.
First of all I don’t care who you vote for. Now I would rather you vote for Barack Obama, but whomever you chose is okay by me. I mean that’s what voting is all about. Being able to make the choice you want in leadership your own decision.
But don’t spew hater-ration up in this danceree! If you don’t like the man for your choice that’s fine. But don’t go trying to sell malicious lies to those around you without doing your homework.
My father always told me to never worry what other people might say about me, or to me. He said that there are always going to be people that waste precious time worried about things they can not change. And that I shouldn’t fall into their trap of engaging them after a stupid or racist remark. To instead use my time to further myself in this world, and pray to God to accept my soul!
These things I try to do everyday. But every now and then you’re confronted with pure bigotry, racism, and most of all stupidity. And if I had been there with my wife I would have sounded off on the man. “Tell me how you know Barack Obama is a communist”. And why does he have to be in his habitat. Why can’t he just be at home with his family like every other hard working person in A-merry-ca?
You all have a great and blessed day. PEACE!
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