By Daddy
It has started.
Barack Obama will not be President of these United States of America. Yeah I said it. Well you can’t argue that if you really step back and take in the whole picture, it looks exactly like this. With just eight weeks until the November elections, the play has started.
This first scene is of the Rethuglican’s smearing Obama with outright lies. Whether they are lying about their accomplishments or doggin Barack Obama about his. And the Democrats keep falling for this shit.
The MSM will do anything to keep the ratings. This bitch and pony show is lying, but Barack Obama gets jammed as a sexist for calling them on their lies? Obama gets called on this lipstick shit, but no one say’s anything about McInsane, and Cheeeeny, or Bush saying the same thing, and they’ve got video? And Cheeeeeny joked about Chelsea Clinton being ugly. But Barack Obama is the sexist. This is bullshit.
For months now the MSM has been on Barack Obama to explain his position on the issues. And now that he’s trying to do that, all we hear are lie’s coming from the mouths of the Rethuglican’s.
The Bridge to Nowhere. But she still spent the money. Firing over brother in-law. Obama wants sex education for kindergarteners. Wants to raise your taxes. Lipstick on a pig. Obama is Muslim. Michelle Obama doesn’t like America. Obama is the cause of higher gas prices. Obama’s Rev. Wright hates America. Obama is a terrorist. He knows Richard Ayers.
These are all lies.
I need some one out there to tell me I’m paranoid. I need someone out there to convince me that I’m just being Conspiracy Brother!
I know I’ve said it before, but they have let Barack Obama have his fun. This novelty of a Black man as the nominee of the Democratic Party for POTUS.
“Yes let’s change history. Well kind of! You know we can’t let this Uppity Nigger think he’s above us. We have to take his ass down a few pegs to remind him just where he is”. And now it’s time to get down to business.
Westmoreland calls Obama ‘uppity'
By Mike Soraghan Posted: 09/04/08 03:07 PM [ET]
Georgia Republican Rep. Lynn Westmoreland used the racially-tinged term "uppity" to describe Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama Thursday.
Westmoreland was discussing vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin's speech with reporters outside the House chamber and was asked to compare her with Michelle Obama.
"Just from what little I’ve seen of her and Mr. Obama, Sen. Obama, they're a member of an elitist-class individual that thinks that they're uppity," Westmoreland said.
Asked to clarify that he used the word “uppity,” Westmoreland said, “Uppity, yeah.”
You thought I was lying dincha?
In August, Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-Nev.) told reporters, “When I hear the word ‘elitist’ linked with Barack Obama, to me, that is a code word for 'uppity.' I find it extremely offensive and John McCain should know better.”
Political consultant David Gergen, who has worked in both Republican and Democratic White Houses, said on ABC’s "This Week" that “As a native of the south, I can tell you, when you see this Charlton Heston ad, 'The One,' that's code for, 'He's uppity, he ought to stay in his place.' Everybody gets that who is from a Southern background.”
Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) said that Obama's middle name – Hussein – is relevant to the public discourse surrounding his candidacy, saying in March that if Obama were elected, "Then the radical Islamists, the al Qaeda, the radical Islamists and their supporters, will be dancing in the streets in greater numbers than they did on Sept. 11 because they will declare victory in this War on Terror."
At an April 12 event in his district, Kentucky Rep. Geoff Davis (R) said of Obama: “I’m going to tell you something: That boy’s finger does not need to be on the button. He could not make a decision in that simulation that related to a nuclear threat to this country.”
Huh huh! I told you. While we’ve been bombarded with lipstickshit, the real world has been going on around us. And it’s the same shit just a different day.
Now I certainly hope we can pull this off. But if our peoples keep falling for the bullshit it’s going to be hard. First of all know that the powers that be DO NOT WANT A BLACK MAN FOR POTUS!!!.
But one good thing has happened here. When they have to pull out the poor White woman against the big Black brute, we must be doing something right.
Ya’ll have a great and blessed day. PEACE!
Yo, Daddy,
I know you are excited and attached to having this great man take leadership of this country. It's exceptionally frustrating when we see idiots and bigots falsely disparaging such a good, honest, and patriotic man. My blood has boiled on numerous occasions throughout this year. It doesn't do me any good to go into a rage. I have to chill out and just do what I can to counter Faux News and the disingenuous and pernicious McPalin ads. I research the truth, and pass it on to those that are not already too closed minded in their fears.
Sure, there are people out there that won't vote for him because of his race, but, those type of people are there for every election, and there isn't anything we can do but hit them over the head with truth and logic a few times. Those people that are spouting that he's uppity, etc, are not having a measurable effect. They themselves were never on the fence as to whether to vote for change or not. Their lot was cast with the Republicans long ago. Their words have no effect on the smart Americans who have already thrown their support to Obama. Of the people still on, or near, the fence, the honorable ones will be turned off by partisan, divisive words, while the smaller minded will allow it nudge them in the wrong direction. So, pretty much, it should have a net no effect.
The real question here, I suppose, is, what percentage of Americans are smart? Our track record on this (from 2004) is less than stellar. Unfortunately our scientists have not come out with a vaccine for stupidity.
1) When Geraldine Ferraro was announced as a running mate in July of 1984, Mondale got a huge bump in the polls, and the campaign thought it might actually be able to win. The support for the ticket quickly subsided as November got closer. Is the McPalin bump of the same type? I'm thinking at least some of it is. The swelling will subside.
2) The McPalin campaign is scoring/retaining poll figures through gross lies in speeches and ads, while the Obama campaign is remaining open and honest. My question is, what happens when the debates come around? There is now tons of material for Obama to use to rightly show that McCain and Palin are both the politics as usual of lies and spin. McCain will have no such ammunition. If Obama attacks and parries appropriately, I see the debates providing 5 points added to Obama's lead. The question is, will he allow his "uniter" persona to show it's tough, fight for truth and justice side?
Don't lose Hope.
Well said Mr. Speaker.
Yeah I get caught up. And for the reason's you've stated. But it goes alot deeper than just spouting on a blog.
Like I've said before I'm old enough to remember not being able to use White Only services. Having lived a life where Black folks have been seen as evil, and unimportant in the general soup of things.
All of the old wivestales that Blacks have been paranoid. That the opportunities out there for Whites, and just about everybody else, maybe with the exception of Hispanics are there for every one. That our inabilty to understand the simplest of tasks is what keeps Blacks from flourishing.
Yeah I get mad at times. but my anger isn't directed towards the racist bigots of the world. It's directed at the almost intelligent folks out there that don't feel it neccessary to dig a little deeper to find the truth.
Turn one more page and find the truth. That's all I ask.
Mr. Speaker, you have a great and blessed day.
You said "It's directed at the almost intelligent folks out there that don't feel it necessary to dig a little deeper to find the truth."
Unfortunately I run into this all the time. It amazes and depresses me. IMO that is one of the biggest tragedies of this election cycle.
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