I believe it speaks very well for it’s self.
You all have a great and blessed day!
By Nelson S. Raver
I am a combat-related severely disabled Vietnam veteran. I was honorably discharged from the Army more than 25 years ago but still wear a body cast. But I do not claim to be a hero. For many years, Vietnam War faced public contempt and vilification. We were spit on and sometime physically assaulted. We had to omit our Vietnam experience on our resumes.
Still, neither Palin nor McCain acknowledge all Vietnam War Veterans in their speech. John McCain mentioned a few honorable veterans but only in context of supporting his election. Sarah Palin did not mention military veterans except John McCain.
It would have been nice to have Palin and McCain at least recognize all war veterans and say what each would do to improve life for people in the military and their family’s circumstances. Albeit, I realize that both Palin’s speech and McCain’s speech are about them.
I was medevaced from where I was injured and later taken to Brooks Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas. I was put on Ward 3C, known as the “Stump Ward” named so from all the Vietnam veterans with huge q-tips in place of legs or arms.
Many times I saw those veterans unwrap their bandaged “Stump”, clean the massive stitched skin and rewrap what was once a full arm or leg. I didn’t see any veteran sobbing or crying over their loss, most were really just happy to be alive. It would have been nice to have John McCain mention their suffering as he did his own but not for the purpose of soliciting votes but as to distinguish their state of sacrifice as being just as honorable as his own.
I was a Veterans Representative for 16 years. That’s an “Organizer” which Palin and McCain pompously characterize as being so lowly. I helped many homeless veterans find food, shelter, job training and a job. I wrote (or supervised the writing of) several grants totaling more than one-million dollars to fund job training for veterans, and I managed all aspects of the grants…but that doesn’t count since it’s “Organizing” as Palin and McCain put it. IT IS AN HONOR TO SERVE be it your country or just one veteran.
Oh, by the way; how did McCain “fight for veterans”?
John McCain voted N (Nay) on four veterans benefits bills.
02/02/2006 HR 4297 Tax Rate Extension Amendment McCain voted N
11/17/2005 S 2020 Additional Funding For Veterans Amendment McCain voted N
10/05/2005 HR 2863 Health Care for Veterans Amendment McCain voted N
08/02/2007 HR 976 State Children’s Health Insurance Pgm CHIP) McCain voted N
McCain voted NV (Not Voting, Excused, Absent, or Present) on three other veterans benefits bills:
05/22/2008 S Amdt 4803 GI Bill and Other Domestic Provisions McCain voted NV
01/22/2008 HR 4986 Defense Authorizations Bill McCain voted NV
10/01/2007 HR 1585 National Defense Authorization Act McCain voted NV
Source: http://www.votesmart.org.
To Palin and McCain, I may be a lowly peasant “organizer” not worth mentioning but I’m proud of my accomplishments. To Palin, other than McCain, no other person’s military service was worth mentioning but I am proud of having served with them and for them!!
Nelson S. Raver
386S 1450E
Provo, Ut. 84606
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