By Daddy
Good morning, good morning my peoples.
Well I made it through the Rethuglican Convention last week without any lingering scars.
First of all, I must make the point that their convention looked in no way like the Dems.
The first thing you notice is the overwhelmingly White crowd. And if by chance you took a moment to watch a bit of their coverage I’m sure they gave face time to the 20 or 25 Blacks, and a peppering of other Minorities that were in attendance.
Now I’m not kidding. A sea of White folks. Is this what America looks like to the Rethugs? If the last eight years of Rethuglican control of the white house is any indication, well then yes it is!
If you can, please look at a picture during the Democratic Convention. Native American, White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Middle-Eastern, African, European, etc...Now this is what America looks like. How can these people say they stand for all of us when they consistently do nothing for all of us.
Second, who is this Sarah Palin, and what gives her the right to dog Obama on experience?
From what I understand there are some very deep questions about her on ethics. But of course the Rethugs are sweeping those subjects under the rug. I just thought it was a bit rude for her to dog a man that she as an individual can not touch on any level.
She made jokes of Obama being a community organizer. As if it were a sin to have this position on his resume’. I bet their not laughing about the organization of his campaign!
Sarah Palin Doggin Obama
And the big question in America today is why haven't we seen this woman on the MSM. Could it be because she would have to be interviewed without a script? Duh!
Well personally I would rather deal with an intelligent, well versed, and very well organized candidate, than one who eats moose burgers, shoots automatic weapons and claims to be ahockey mom.
Roland Martin on Sarah Palin
The Rethugs are side stepping the experience thing with Palin, and shoving the mother image, and the NRA shooting automatic rifle image as great experience for the position of VP of this country.
And this morning the polls have McInsane ahead of Barack Obama by 4 points.
Now I’ve said what I think about having the right experience to be the POTUS.
Unless you've been the POTUS, you don't have the experience!
But come on now. Barack Obama has had opportunities to meet with foreign leaders in his years as a senator. They laugh at his being a community organizer, and they don't consider his bringing people together as a great thing to have as a president. Yes Palin and McInsane are still laughing about this.
Well Daddy is back, and I will be researching heavy this week on the mooseburger eating, gun toting, illegal personnel firing, wildlife refuge drilling, and bear killing Gov from Alaska.
I’ve already received info over the weekend, and while I was in Minneapolis last week from some of you that read the blog.
Here it is in our faces, and what I’ve been saying all along.
Bush, a C-D student graduating at the bottom of his class.
McInsane, a C-D student graduating at the bottom of his class.
Moose Baby, a B student graduating somewhere in the middle of her class for journalism.
Barack Obama, an A student graduating at the top of his class, and President of the Harvard Law Review. State Senator and US Senator. And yes, A Community Organizer!!! A BLACK MAN!
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