Okay. I guess we can all assume that the Rethugs have thoroughly been through every closet in Barrack Obama's life at this point and to their dismay there are no skeletons. That's the only reason I can come up with why we don't have more than four or five of them stepping to the mic to denounce the crazy idea that the president is not an American citizen.
- And now they have a new cause that the Prez thinks the Natick Massachusetts cops acted "stupidly". Personally I think Barrack Obama put it just the way it is. After proving that it truly was the home of Black scholar Henry Louis Gates the police should have turned and left. But when brother demanded a name and badge number he was charged with "disorderly conduct". And don't get me wrong. I'm sure the professor had plenty to say about the situation that was most likely pretty colorful. But the cops at the scene should have let the man blow off steam and that would have been the end of it.
But so far we have two different stories. One from the policeman, and one from the professor. Personally I want to hear what the Black cop in the picture thinks. By the look on his face (like he's thinking, good Lord) that pretty much sums it up. Of course if he said anything that was against his fellow officers, I'm pretty sure they would be arresting him in his home for the duration.
Now the pundits say Obama was out of line speaking without knowing all of the facts. Well lets see. There are a couple of things we DO know. 1. The professor had proven he was in his own house.
2. President Obama being a Black man from Chicago I'm sure he's been on the receiving end of racial profiling more than once in his life. 3. Massachusetts has a long history of being hard on Black folks. Although having been to Boston a few times I personally have had no problems in the city. But of course I have to admit I've never been to Natick Mass.
The biggest problem I see is that since Barrack Obama was elected president folks seems to think there is no more racism. And I mean folks of all races. But folks thats not the case. I'm sure we all would sleep better if it were, but hey, you know! And maybe this had nothing to do with racism. Maybe the sergeant was having a bad day, and the professor going off finally did it for him. Or maybe it was a class thing. You know, "here I am busting my ass for this salary, and heres this ass hole living in a community I can't afford to drive through".
So until the video taken on a cell phone surfaces, or a Psychic gives us the real 211 we may never really know what got the professor's ass thrown in jail. We know brother cop won't be speaking up any time soon!
You all have a great and blessed day. PEACE!
For those who care at all heres a bit of info on the town:
Total Population: 31,868. White Population: 29,361. Black Population: 520
- Natick is on the Charles and Concord river basins.
- Land was granted to John Eliot in 1650 as a plantation for his Praying Indians 19th-century shoemaking center.
Crime: The number of violent crimes recorded by the FBI in 2003 was 27. The number of murders and homicides was 0. The violent crime rate was 0.8 per 1,000 people.
Coffee: National and regional coffee companies with outlets here include Gloria Jean's.
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