I don't care who you are, or what your political preference is, this is unacceptable.
A typical street whore." "A bunch of ghetto thugs." "Ghetto street trash." "Wonder when she will get her first abortion. "Could you imagine what world leaders must be thinking seeing this kind of street trash and that we paid for this kind of street ghetto trash to go over there?" wrote one commenter.
"They make me sick .... The whole family... mammy, pappy, the free loadin' mammy-in-law, the misguided chillin', and especially 'lil cuz... This is not the America I want representin' my peeps," wrote another.
Comments from the right-wing site Free Republic
Who in their right mind attacks an 11 year old girl for wearing a shirt with of all things, a PEACE sign.
And who in their right mind posts this shit to their web site?
Yeah I know a lot of you Black, White or whatever truly thought that the electing of a Black president in this country, would smooth things out for the races. But here we see that no matter what you do there are always going to be haters. And in this instance some truly vile people are out there waiting to pounce on an 11 year old child.
I know I'm a day behind with this blog, but I couldn't help myself.
These haters deserve the Louisville Slugger I stash behind the door. I mean what we need to do is everyone go out and by the baseball bat of your choice, and when confronted by these racially vile, viscous people begin wailing on their ass.
Don't these folks know that the people of these United States of America voted not only for change in government, but change in our racist ways. Even Rethuglicans want a change from what had been brewing in this country for the last eight years.
I may be wrong, but whether Democrat, Independent, or Rethuglican, people don't want to read this trash in their morning newspaper, or have it be the lead off story on their favorite news channel.
Hey look, yes I'm a Democrat. I'm not saying I go for everything the Dems try to put past us. There are some Rethugs out there with some very good ideas. And I had thought with the electing of President Obama we could get these great ideas together, therefore bringing in those folks that have been haters on anyone not Caucasian for so long. Well we did. The Obama election brought together many people from different political parties, races, religions, and social standing. Brought folks together because we all knew the country was being dragged in the wrong direction.
But here, today, July 13, 2009 we still have a group of folks in this country that would rather lynch a person than get to know that person. They are still living in the past, or should I say these people are afraid to check out the truth about another person, and find it easier to spew hatred about someone they have no idea about.
But leave us not forget a Black man was hung around the neck and dragged to death in the 90's.
My question is what are they afraid of? From a Black Man's point of view, the world has always been yours. And as we've seen in the past, to do with as you please. You invade other countries to democratize them, even though those countries do not want a democracy. To force your will on anyone that does not agree with you. In this country we had slavery, Japanese internment camps, and the new deal is now how do you keep the Mexican in your fields, and in your homes, but at the same time keeping them from citizenship.
Again I say today, July 13, 2009 this is not the way the majority of White folks look at our country. Whites, Black, Asians, Jews, Mexicans, and other immigrants are working harder together today than at any other time in the history of this nation. And from what I see it will only get better.
But you haters had better watch out. The batting averages are about to go up, and we're not going to go away. Face it, America has a different face these days. And the sooner the haters recognize, the sooner they will realize that working together we can make this the great country THEY always say they want.
P.S. And quit spewing the pure White blood thing. There is no such thing. Read a book PEACE!
Right on brother! Some folk, no matter what, are just stuck in a time warp on stupid! Whoa to them that offend the little ones, God's favorites, for their judgement shall come.
I am shocked. The racism and prejudice that exists today is just sickening. How can people in other areas of the world have such a sense of decency where we in America seem to lack it? If you're not the right "kind" of person, you're instantly targeted, if you're not hiding somehow.
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