Well have you had a chance to catch any of the Sotomayor hearings so far? Well if not, you don't know what you're missing. First of all for any of you out there that are Rethuglicans you have to be embarrassed as hell.
How many times will Judge Sonia Sotomayor be asked about the one and only gaffe Rethugs can find in her long and successful tenure as a judge? And the nerve of the Rethugs to let Jeff Sessions grill her in that fashion.
Here we have a seemingly White racist politician questioning the qualifications of a judge that has been on the bench for 17 years. A seemingly White racist politician that was rejected for the Supreme Court. How the hell does that work?
Personally I think he's jealous. And he's mad because although Judge Sotomayor's comment may have been bad judgement, it's actually accurate if you add Sessions to the equation.
And enough is enough. I started to watch this morning, but as soon as the meet and greet was finished, here we go again. Can't these people come up with anything else to ask this woman? If not I'd say the hearings are finished. The Rethugs look pretty bad in the eyes of EVERYBODY right now, and I don't see it getting any better.
Let's be honest here. She's a lock for the position. And I think we as Americans should be proud that President Obama's pick is a good one. The Rethugs are trying to turn this into a circus, but the truth is the woman is very qualified for the Supreme Court.
Instead of trying to tear her down, they should be happy that not only is she qualified, but there will be a Puerto Rican woman on the bench beside them. Oh damn. Did I say that?
Well personally I'm happy. I'm happy that more and more everyday things I see show me the real America. I was at the Rethuglican National Convention last summer in St. Paul, and that was not the real America! Television, and the movies have been trying to get the point across for years, but it's finally starting to move into the fabric of the country. It's time for the old guard to move aside. Our younger generation is used to seeing people of color in a position of power. And for generations to come things can only get better.
So I say congrats to Judge Sonia Sotomayor! Can't wait to see you those robes doing your thang. You go girl!
But before I go I must leave you with some facts about, "Jeff Sessions - United States Senator".
You knew I couldn't get out of here without the facts. Thanks to Wikipedia.
And please check out the video HERE from Rachael Maddow @ MSNBC News. You'll love that.
You all have a great and blessed day. PEACE!

1. In 1986, Sessions was nominated for a federal judgeship by President Ronald Reagan. The nomination was killed by the Senate Judiciary Committee, which refused by a 9-9 vote to let the nomination come to the Senate floor for a vote. Sessions's opponents accused him of "gross insensitivity” on racial issues.
Sessions allegedly made a variety of comments that opponents pointed to, when he jokingly said that the Ku Klux Klan was not so bad until he found out that some of them smoked marijuana. Sessions also allegedly referred to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) as "un-American" and "Communist-inspired" because they "forced civil rights down the throats of people." At his confirmation hearings, Sessions said that the groups could be un-American when "they involve themselves in un-American positions" in foreign policy. Sessions claimed that the remarks had been made in jest. One of those voting against him was Democratic Senator Howell Heflin of Alabama.
2. Sessions was quoted then as saying that the Senate on occasion had been insensitive to the rights and reputation of nominees. After joining the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sessions remarked that his presence there, alongside several of the members who voted against him, was a “great irony.” To add to the irony, after Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania left the GOP to join the Democratic Party on April 28, 2009, Sessions was assigned to be the Ranking Member on the Senate Judiciary Committee. This means that if Republicans were able to regain control of the U.S. Senate while he was still serving that he would be the chairman of the very committee that opposed his initial nomination.
3. Sessions had unsuccessfully prosecuted three civil rights workers (including Albert Turner, a former aide to Martin Luther King, Jr.), on a case of election fraud for the 1984 election. Sessions spent hours interrogating African American voters in predominantly black counties, finding 14 allegedly tampered ballots out of approximately 1.7 million ballots cast. The three civil rights workers were acquitted after four hours of jury deliberation.
4. Sessions has been opposed to parts of the Voting Rights Act, which he described as a "piece of intrusive
legislation." In 2006, he was in favor of letting it expire, and also said that Congress should consider if it was needed in some Northern cities and states.
5. Sessions opposes approval of the Uniting American Families Act. In June 2009, during testimony by a 42-year-old Filipino woman who was scheduled to be deported in April 2009 despite being the mother of two American children and having a relationship for 23 years with an American woman, Sessions was audibly heard relaying to one of his aides, "Enough with the histrionics" when the woman's 12-year-old son began crying during the testimony.
6. On September 25, 2005, he spoke at a rally attended by 400 people in Washington, D.C. in favor of the War in Iraq. It was held in opposition to an anti-war protest held the day before that was attended by 100,000 people. Sessions spoke of the anti-war protesters, saying, "The group who spoke here the other day did not represent the American ideals of freedom, liberty and spreading that around the world. I frankly don't know what they represent, other than to blame America first."
7. On October 5, 2005, he was one of nine Senators who voted against a Senate amendment to a House bill that prohibited cruel, inhumane, or degrading treatment or punishment of individuals in the custody or under the physical control of the United States Government.
8. Sessions has taken a strong stand against any form of citizenship for illegal immigrants. Sessions was one of the most vocal critics of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007.
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