Did you get a chance to check out “THE SPEECH”?
Barack Obama is Da Man. The brother walked on stage to the cheering of over 74, 000 people last night, and handled it the way it should be handled.
After all the talk of his celebrity, his being too uppity, his being too whatever, the biggest thing that was overlooked last night was his presidential demeanor.
There were those that worried that his speech at Mile High Stadium would make him seem too pompous. Well wrong, wrong, wrong! Barack Obama hit the ball out of the universe with a speech that covered all bases.
Now I did think he was trying to cover a lot of problems we’re having here in America, which as I’ve said before need to be discussed, but overall I think he did a great job.
Now my problem with the Rethuglican’s.
We keep hearing that Barack Obama’s plan will not succeed. They’re pushing that he wants to raise taxes on the middle class (and we know that’s not true). Well I ask you this. If we don’t raise taxes how do we bring this country back to the prominence we once had? How do we take care of the folks that have worked 30 to 40 years and are ready for a comfortable retirement? How do we pay our teachers more so they can focus on their students, and not their Mortgages? How do we put the people of the Gulf Coast back in their neighborhoods? How do we afford to get back and forth to work with the price of gas today? How do we get everyone insured for their health? How can we make sure that all children that do well in school will have a chance for affordable college tuitions? How do we keep jobs here in America and not overseas?
Well you gotta raise taxes. And that’s okay as long as we’re getting something in return.
The Rant # 68,127
I don’t have a problem with companies wanting to make more money. I just have a problem with illegal immigrants coming into this country working for those companies that deem it more important to make a profit than to employ Americans who belong here.
Now please don’t get me wrong my Mexican brothers and sisters. If there is one thing that I strongly believe in is that it is our responsibility as MEN to make the best life we can for our families. You just have to sign zee papers, and get legal, then come on over and share in the fruits of your labors. You can’t deny that if I get caught in Mexico without the proper papers I go directly to jail, and DO NOT pass go!
And besides, if you want the same fruits as the rest of us, you must be in the system and go through the same bureaucratic bullshit as the rest of us!
And I have a problem with a president that keeps saying they are here to do the work Americans won’t do. Now exactly what job would that be? I remember seeing folks in line for jobs and their point was if the farmers paid a decent wage they would have no problem picking fruits and vegetables to make a living.
Remember when working at McDonalds or mowing lawns was a part time or summer income for your teenager? Do you remember when those that chose not to go to college would find a construction company and work their way up as apprentices? No I didn’t think you did.
I have a problem with paying $4.00 for a gallon of gasoline while the oil company makes a profit of over 15 billion dollars in three months, and the price of gas is still going up.
I have a problem with the Gulf Coast just being handled by the individuals that have or had insurance. Katrina left those people devastated. What about the hundreds of thousands that were renting low income housing? Or just plain renters. Where is the help from our government?
Well an inside source told me on the day it happened that this was what they had been waiting for. A way to get those lazy Nigra’s out of the city. And their out!
I have an even worse problem with speculators setting the price for oil on the assumption that something COULD go wrong tomorrow.
I have a problem with calling customer support, and getting a guy in India, instead of one of millions of young folks that put out the money for IT certification, and now can’t find a job.
I have a problem with the invasion of a country that DID NOT attack us.
I have a problem with a guy that wants to be our next president, but feels we should stay in Iraq for as long as it takes.
I have a problem with shelling out 10 million dollars a week for a war that none of these Rethuglican assholes can explain why we're still there losing our children day after day when we know now there are no WMD’s.
I have a problem with the Rethuglican’s for forking out all of this money to Iraq when they, Iraq have an oil surplus of over 79 Billion dollars.
I have a problem with the top 2% of the people in this country living their life as if everything is copacetic, but there are people, Black, and White, and other races still living in poverty in a country that prides itself as a country that takes care of it’s poor, but has no problem interfering with other countries about their human rights.
And I really have a problem with a guy running for president of this country when his chief economic advisor is the architect of the mortgage meltdown! (Phil Graham)
Yes I have a problem with a lot of shit that’s going on here in these United States of America. And my biggest beef is that no one in charge seems to want to do anything about it.
Oh yeah, I have a problem with the Rethuglican’s, make no mistake about it!
Now don’t panic. There are still some things that can be done to insure that these things can be accomplished.
Barack Obama did say one thing that I agree with. We’ll save a helluva lot of money getting out of Iraq. Thank you Jesus!!!!!!!
We’ll gain more tax money from the companies that have moved overseas. Hey you want to use people other than Americans to do your work? That’s fine, but you’re gonna pay out the ass to do it. You know, more taxes, higher tariffs on imports and exports. And the list can go on. I didn’t really catch on to the automakers scheme until I checked out the Olympics in China.
I know you’ve noticed that the automakers seem to have no problem closing plants. They’re closing a plant almost every month.
Well that’s because all the shit cars they can’t sell here, are selling like hotcakes in China, and in other countries around the world. As a matter of fact it’s sort of a status symbol to own one of these American cars that now are being built somewhere other than Detroit.
How doggish is that?
Barack I believe. I believe that given a chance you will do your best for us.
I was listening to comments from other folks after the speech, and most agreed it was a great speech. But the one thing they all had in common was will he really do these things for Americans.
Let me say I believe he will. Leave us not forget who we are as Black folks. We have always had to work harder and longer to achieve the same as White folks. Do you really think that given the chance this brother is not going to do his very best to make good on his ideas? I think not.
There is no way he’ll put us in the position where we will have to wait another 400 years to gain respect.
I believe Barack Obama is our best chance to rid ourselves of the Rethuglican’s at least for the next 8 years. That’s long enough to turn things around, and give people the chance to shore up before the next Rethug takes office.
The brother makes the best point when saying that this is our job to do. We can not want the best for ourselves and not work hard to make it happen.
Ask NOT what your country can do for you, but rather what YOU can do for your country.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
I’m on my way to Minneapolis for the Rethug Convention. Don't worry my Brothers and Sisters. I'm working for AT&T making music not politics!.
I’ll be back on Monday September 8th.
You all have a great and blessed week. PEACE!
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