Sunday, June 28, 2009

They're Baaaaccckkk!!!


Yes Martha, Fatty James is BACK!  After a four-year hiatus working on various other projects, the dynamic duo of leading-edge Christian music is BACK.  Back together and bringing you an all-new remixed, remastered, repackaged offering of their debut album, Supernatural.  Stephen Wilburn and Larry W. King collaborate on the songs of this CD to bring you a "Clean Dozen" tracks which will touch your heart and soul as it makes you clap your hands and stomp your feet!


From funky R&B-styled tracks like "He'll Pull You Up" and "Prayed Up!", to the smooth jazz grooves of "Ocean" and "Quiet Time of Day", to the unique innovation of the title track, "Supernatural", Fatty James delivers terrific listenability across diverse musical genres, while consistently giving up high Praise and Worship to the God of All Creation!


Fatty James' Supernatural truly lives up to its name.  BUY IT on the web NOW at iTunes, Rhapsody and Lala internet music retailers.  


You can also purchase Fatty James Allright CD at, and iTunes.  Get 'em both!  You won't be disappointed.  PEACE!

I'm doing Efusjon

My former company shut down their Denver office at Thanksgiving, and as a lot you folks out there know finding comparable employment hasn't been very successful.

But a friend of mine turned me on to a product that just may pull me up from the depths of semi unemployment.

I've never been much for energy drinks simply because the caffeine, and sugar content drive me batty. But Efusjon is caffeine free, and low sugar. I can get a good boost for about 5 hours without the anxiety or the crash. 

Efusjon RAW is the 100% all-natural alternative to today's unhealthy energy drink market. This delicious, caffeine-free drink is made with Acai Berry - natures powerful antioxidant. Acai Berry, one of the world's most potent super foods, is believed to deliver up to thirty times the anthocyanins found in red wine (anthocyanins are said to help aid in the prevention of heart disease, fight cancer cells and reduce memory loss). Efusjon RAW Energy Drink contains no additives or preservatives and is made from the purest ingredients. Young or old, Efusjon RAW delivers your body the power it needs to thrive throughout your demanding day and life - with out the caffeine.

Not only does efusjon offer the healthiest energy drinks anywhere, but also provides a unique opportunity to make a serious income! At the efusjon energy club, we believe in healthy bodies and a healthy income. You can enjoy the delicious and nutritious virtues of our amazing energy drinks and reap the rewards from your very own successful efusjon energy club business. Under the efusjon energy club revolutionary new community compensation structure, you get rewarded in ways you never dreamed possible. It's a unique opportunity never before seen in the network marketing industry!

If you are interested in buying Efusjon Raw, Efusjon Edge (with caffeine), learning more about Efusjon Inc., or becoming an Efusjon associate, click here

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Watch the video below for more information from Derek Broes.

The efusjon Energy Club is a healthy, great tasting alternative to the billion dollar energy drink industry (aka Redbull, Monster, and Rockstar). Combine that with a GROUND FLOOR OPPORTUNITY and an UNPRECEDENTED MARKETING PLAN, and you are at the right place at the right time. This is how simple it is: 1. You join the Efusjon Club and get on the monthly auto-ship. 2. Get your 3 sharpest friends to do the same. 3. You are done! You are now eligible to receive pay.

Please forward this information and opportunity to everyone in your address book! The time is now, so get on board.

You all have a great and blessed day. PEACE!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Hush Up and Hand Me That Sauce

It's no longer a rumor or joke.  It has finally happened . . .  a BBQ

on the White House lawn.  How can you not love our President for this?

Especially since y'all know folks said the Prez would be "acting Black" by doing such a thing!

President Obama hosted a Father's Day Weekend and invited several

celebrity fathers, influential men, and local teen boys over for some

chit chat about the responsibility of men and fathers: Dwayne Wade,

Alonzo Mourning, Etan Thomas, the President of Motorola, the President

of Morehouse University, and many other men were in attendance.

And of course:, the BBQ master himself, Bobby Flay, was there to get

steaks: and burgers poppin' for everybody while Prez O served them up

and he never took his tie off.

Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009)

Okay. The story of Michael's death is on every television channel, and every page on the internet. All they show is a short clip of Thriller, (as if that was his only hit. Michael had 13 number one hits), and then switch to the accusations of child molestation. Well I don't know about you, but personally I've had this shit up to there!!!!!!

Where are the stories of the mans kindness to EVERYONE? The hundreds of millions of dollars he gave away to just about every charity in the world doesn't seem to reach the lips of the MSM. Jackson donated and raised millions of dollars for beneficial causes through his foundation charity singles and support of 39 charities. 

Okay, so the man was an eccentric. But let's be honest here. Would you pay your hard earned money to see a boring show? Hell no we won't go!! And how many other stars have been front page news for over 40 years? Nuf said.

So today as we mourn the passing of the true SUPERSTAR, the KING OF POP, (no not Elvis!!!) I'm posting just a small bit of information to keep on our minds as we say goodbye to Michael Joseph Jackson. The seventh child of the Jackson family.

Heal the World Foundation

The Heal the World Foundation is a charitable organization, founded by musician Michael Jackson in 1992. The foundation's creation was inspired by his charitable single of the same name. Through his foundation, Jackson airlifted 46 tons of supplies to Sarajevo, instituted drug and alcohol abuse education and donated millions of dollars to less fortunate children, including the full payment of a Hungarian child's liver transplant. Failure to file yearly accounting statements saw the charity lose its tax exempt status in 2002 but it was re-gained, under new management, in 2008.


The Dangerous World Tour began on June 27, 1992, and finished on November 11, 1993. Jackson performed to 3.5 million people in 67 concerts. All profits from the concerts went to the "Heal the World Foundation", raising millions of dollars in relief. Through the foundation, Jackson airlifted 46 tons of supplies to Sarajevo instituted drug and alcohol abuse education and paid for a Hungarian child's liver transplant.

One of Michael Jackson's most acclaimed performances came during the halftime show at the National Football League's Super Bowl XXVll . At the show, Jackson performed his anthem "Heal the World", to help promote the organization with the assistance of a choir of 750 people and a flash card display involving 98,000 volunteers. Jackson donated his entire fees to the foundation, with the NFL also donating $100,000 and a 30-second TV spot to push for contributions.

Following the Super Bowl, Jackson ran a full-page advertisement in the newspaper USA Today, providing a toll-free number. A coupon was provided that could be clipped and mailed in along with a contribution. Those donating $35 or more were given a "Heal the World" T-shirt.

The environmental themed music video's music video's for "Earth Song" closed with a request for donations to Jackson's foundation.

In 1997, Jackson earned money from photographs of his son, Prince Michael. The photographs were sold to "OK" magazine and the Nation Nation Enquirer, raising $3 million for the foundation.

Heal the Kids

In February 2001, Jackson launched Heal the Kids, an initiative of HTWF and part of the foundation's attempt to boost children's welfare. Jackson launched the charity initiative, stating, "Heal the Kids will help adults and parents realize it's in our power to change the world our children live in".

Jackson gave a speech at Oxford University about raising children, as part of the launch of his "Heal the Kids" initiative. The websites and described the initiative and this Oxford speech. In the speech, Jackson spoke rhetorically of his children, 

"What if they grow older and resent me, and how my choices impacted their youth?...Why weren't we given a normal childhood like all the other children? And at that moment I pray that my children will give me the benefit of the doubt. That they will say to themselves: Our daddy did the best he could, given the unique circumstances he faced. I hope that they will focus on the positives things, on the sacrifices I willingly made for them...". 

Journalist J. Randy Taraborrelli  concluded that Jackson's performance during the speech was "absorbing" and well received.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Now They're Picking on Michelle Obama

Okay, I had slowed down on the blog since the election, but I may have to come out of mothballs for a while. Is it me or have the Rethuglicans lost their minds?

I mean it's bad enough they ride Obama for every little thing that goes wrong in their lives, but now they are picking on Michelle Obama!  That calls for a good old fashion ass whuppin!!

Where I'm from if you talk about my momma, or my woman I'm kicling your ass.  Pure and simple. No buts about it. 

It's one thing to disagree with the politics, but way over the line to attack ones spouse. I don't care if you're the president, or the mailman, that's just not correct.

And to make matters worse, this ranting comes from, a website owned by a

Christian radio network.

These people call themselves Christians? More like right wing assholes!!!

These are the haters. They hate that she's attractive. They hate that she's intelligent. They hate that she may be sharper than the prez himself. They hate the fact that women around the world love Michelle Obama. They hate the fact that their own daughters want to be just like Michelle Obama. They hate that she can go without sleeves. They hate that she can look good in anything she wears, and pays less than $100 for an outfit. They hate that she looks good! 

But it's funny how they love everyone who had a hand in shitting on this country for the past 8 years!!!!

But I think their biggest mistake is to think that Blacks would still be slaves in 2009. I'll leave it at that.

I want to thank Becky Hudson for sending  this out. 

You all have a great and blessed day. PEACE!

Townhall: Michelle Obama is a Bitch, get it?

Chris Kelly

Writer, Real Time with Bill Maher

Posted March 23, 2009 | 09:01 AM (EST)

Burt Prelutsky was a TV writer a long time ago. Then he aged out of it and became a crank. This wasn't on

e of those major loses like Steinbeck. Now he writes a column for, the popular website owned by a Christian radio network.

Here's something from his current offering:

Take Michelle Obama...please. Every time I turn around, there she is on a magazine cover. Now, normally, like the Mafia, I lay off the spouses, but inasmuch as this particular spouse attended the same racist church as her hubby for 20 years, I'll make an exception in her case. After all, in spite of the fact that affirmative action got her an Ivy League degree and a $7,000-a-week salary and, moreover, has sent billions of dollars for no particularly good reason to Africa, she insists this is a mean country. The burning question in my circle is: if the First Family gets a female dog, will she be the First Bitch or will she have to settle for second place?

Get it? Because "bitch" had two meanings!

Ah, Christian-sponsored humor. That's not just funny. That's Jesus funny.

Weird that Burt Prelutsky doesn't work more. Because that "take my wife... please" bit is also pure dynamite. Must be ageism.

Naturally, the left-wing media is now trying to convince us that this James Brown-look-alike has all the allure, glamour and fashion sense of Jackie Kennedy.

She's not pretty, for heaven's sakes! She's black! She's a black bitch!

You can read the rest at Townhall. The Internet home of culture warriors Dennis Prager, Bill Bennett and Michael Medved.

(Who have all, by the way, written about Barack Obama's horrible, shocking association with that racist hatemonger Jeremiah Wright. Who called America an ugly black bitch. Oh wait, he didn't.)

(They've also all written columns bemoaning how angry and mean liberal humor is.)

If you read Burt Prelutsky's columns, you'll see that he isn't a racist; he just has a lot of thoughts -- I mean a lot -- about how black people should behave. If Langston Hughes had talked about black people as much at Burt Prelutsky does, someone would have told him to sit down.

Here's another Burt Prelutsky column from Townhall:

If we were a racist society, Oprah Winfrey, your fairy godmother, certainly wouldn't be a billionaire; she'd be fetching someone's mint julep. And Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice wouldn't grow up to be secretaries of state; they'd be sweeping out the stables. And Will Smith and Denzel Washington wouldn't be movie stars; they'd be in the fields picking cotton.

That's awfully big of us, letting Denzel Washington rise so high above his station. Thanks, Burt. Thanks Townhall. (Cross-posted with Stormfront.)

The executive editor of Townhall is Hugh Hewitt. His current column is about how terribly offended he was when Barack Obama made a joke about the Special Olympics:

We should hope President Obama makes more than apology. We should hope he makes good.

By getting me a julep.

Now, if there's one thing I hate worse that playing gotcha with a joke that goes wrong, it's using guilt-by-association and high dudgeon to score cheap political points. But I gotta ask:

Should we hope Hugh Hewitt apologizes for publishing sad old Burt Prelutsky?

How should he make good?

Oh, the Christian broadcasters who own Townhall, the site that says Michelle Obama is a bitch and Will Smith is lucky he's not picking cotton is Salem Communications. You can thank them here.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


By Larry W. King

Volume II, Number XVI

June 15, 2009


Are You Done Whoring Around?

“The first time God spoke to Hosea he said: ‘Find a whore and marry her.  Make this whore the mother of your children.  And here’s why: This whole country [Israel] has become a whorehouse, unfaithful to me, God ...’

And then I’ll marry you for good – forever!  I’ll marry you true and proper, in love and tenderness.  Yes, I’ll marry you and neither leave you nor let you go.  You’ll know me, God for who I really am ...

Then I told her, ‘From now on you’re living with me [faithfully].  No more whoring, no more sleeping around.  You’re living with me and I’m living with you’ ”.  – Hosea 1:2, 2:19-20 & 3:3 (The Message) [my editorialization]

The book of Hosea is the first of twelve (12) so-called “minor prophets” in the Old Testament.  As with many of the minor prophets (e.g. Joel, Amos & Jonah), his book centers around a solitary theme and tells a single story.  Hosea’s tale is told on two levels:

1)     Hosea’s actual courtship and marriage to Gomer, a well-known prostitute; the subsequent birth of their children and their family life, AND

2)     The symbolic “whoring” of Israel – God’s chosen people – as they allied themselves with neighboring countries (Samaria, Egypt, Assyria, etc.) and adopted their gods (Baal, Assur, Ishtar, etc.), practices (idolatry, witchcraft, human sacrifice, etc.) and customs (unhealthy diet, sexual misconduct, etc.).

Dear readers, how many of us would willingly obey God if He told us to marry a whore, get her pregnant and raise children together with her?  How many have perhaps done so, without any command from God whatsoever?  Or, how many of us have naively married a woman or man, only to discover that soon after the “I Do” they began to wantonly chase after any and every available two-legged representative of the opposite (or the SAME) sex?  OK, I’m not asking for a show of hands, but you get my point, right?  Suffice to say, this would NOT be a situation many of us would feel compelled to write about and pass on as a lesson for future generations!  Without question, countless divorces have resulted from similarly sinful behavior.

God illustrates three (3) timeless principles through Hosea.

1) We will not always understand WHY God is asking us to do certain things.  Nevertheless, what He requires is our obedience.  The Bible does not say so, but is there any question that Hosea MUST have had some doubt about God’s commandment?  Had it been me and not Hosea, I’m SURE the conversation would’ve gone something like this:

God: Larry, I want you to find Gomer the whore, marry her and have babies by her.  Got it?

Larry: Um, Lord, there MUST be some static on the line.  I didn’t HEAR you right, ‘cause I’d swear you said something like marry a WHORE and have some babies.  Sorry, Lord, please DO, hit me up one mo’ time.

God: No son, you heard right.  I want you to marry Gomer the harlot, get her pregnant and have several children.  I plan to use you and your future family to represent the abominable whoredom of Israel, and my merciful reconciliation.

Larry (laughs out loud): Yeeeaaaahhh, right, Lord.  Haha!  Now, THAT’S a GOOD one!  You’ pullin’ my leg, ain’tcha?  (chuckling, as he settles down a bit)  C’mon now, Almighty Father, quit kiddin’ around!  (now grinning, in hardly-suppressed, cynical disbelief) OK … I’m kewl now, God … whew!  You can really break a brotha up when you wanna, Lord.  So, now what do you REALLY want me to do?

God (with deafening thunder and brilliant lightning striking in a perfect circle all around yours truly): Does THIS look like “kiddin’ around” to you?

Larry (gulps, then blithers unintelligibly). Brrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbllllblbl phhhffttthhhtthth!!

As the apostle Paul wrote to the Romans, “… so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous” – Romans 5:19b (KJV).   Of course, in this passage he’s referring to Christ, but the power of his statement absolutely holds true for each of us today.  Our obedience to God’s perfect will (even when inscrutable to us) can transform lives – our own and others as well.

2) The people whom God chooses FOR us, are not often the ones we would choose for ourselves.  Why do you think God chose Gomer for Hosea?  Hosea, whose name in Hebrew literally means “salvation is from the Lord”, was a prophet.  Gomer was a prostitute.  Could there have possibly been a more unlikely couple?  But God sees the inner Spiritual being and not the outward appearance.  As such, His vision is perfect 20/20 at all times.  He knows what’s best for us and what will accomplish His purpose.  The major prophet Isaiah declares, “for my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD” – Isaiah 55:8 (KJV).

3) In the end, when we are obedient to His will, God ALWAYS improves our situation far beyond anything we can imagine.  By the time Hosea’s prophecy closes, he is happily and faithfully married to his perfect mate with loving children.  Moreover, God promises to restore Israel as His chosen people, despite their collective self-abuse, if they return to Him.  He declares:

“O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself; but in me is thine help.  I will be thy king: where is any other that may save thee in all thy cities?  And thy judges of whom thou saidst, Give me a king and princes?  Take with you words, and turn to the LORD: say unto him, Take away all iniquity, and receive us graciously …” – Hosea 13: 9-10, 14: 2a (KJV).

So, regarding your Spiritual marriage to God, cherished reader, my question to you is the same one Hosea probably asked Gomer, “Are You DONE Whoring Around?”

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Marvin Graves "Henchi"

GRAVES, MARVIN "HENCHI" Longtime Boulder resident Marvin "Henchi" Graves, 64, died Monday June 8, 2009, at HospiceCare of Boulder and Broomfield Coun-ties. Henchi was best known as one of the lead singers in the popular R&B group, the Freddi-Henchi Band. Survivors include his mother, Henrietta Graves of Phoenix, AZ, his longtime companion Cheryl Cruickshank of Boulder, CO, two brothers Michael Graves, Richard Graves and his wife Lou of Phoenix, AZ. He also leaves three nieces, two nephews, and a host of close family and friends. Marvin was preceded in death by his father Marvin Graves, sister Beverly Graves, grandparents Earl and Mille Watson, Sally Chenault and Mike Graves. A Celebration of Life will be held on Monday, June 15, 3 p.m. at Nissi's, 2675 North Park Drive, Lafayette, CO. The family would like to extend a special thanks to HospiceCare of Boulder and Broomfield Counties, and request that donations be made to them in Henchi's memory. Donations may be mailed to 2594 Trailridge Dr. East, Lafayette, CO 80026.

Monday, June 8, 2009

A Entertainment Legend Has Passed Away 06/08/2009

I just got the word That longtime Denver entertainer, and friend Marvin Graves, or as most people know him as "Henchi"  passed away this morning.  6/8/2009

I don't have all of the details at present, but I do know that we've lost a legend in this city.

Henchi had been battling cancer for the past few years, and recently was caught on camera at a Nuggets Playoff game.

My brother, you will be missed. God bless. PEACE!

Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
From glen to glen, and down the mountain side
The summer's gone, and all the leaves are falling
Tis you, 'tis you must go and I must bide.
But come ye back when summer's in the meadow
Or when the valley's hushed and white with snow
Tis I'll be here in sunshine or in shadow
Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so.

written by Frederick Weatherly 

Last-game wish granted, musician "Henchi" dies at age 64

By Joey Bunch 

The Denver Post 

POSTED: 06/08/2009 09:59:48 PM MDT

UPDATED: 06/09/2009 06:59:01 AM MDT

Denver R&B singer Marvin "Henchi" Graves, who was granted his wish for a first-hand view of the Denver Nuggets in the Western Conference Finals last month, died Monday. He was 64 and was fighting cancer.

Graves was best known as one of the lead singers and co-founder of the popular Freddi-Henchi Band, which toured and recorded extensively in the 1960s, '70s and '80s.

Graves nickname was Henchi, which is short for Henchman, a nickname from his days as a collegiate wrestler.

"Henchi was tough all of his life right to the end, yet he was always a very nice person," the band said in an announcement of Graves' death posted online Monday. "Even on days when he was feeling his worst from cancer treatments, he remained much more cheerful than one would expect."

Graves' younger brother, Richard Graves, said Monday evening that funeral plans have not been finalized, and a local memorial would be held for fans and friends, as well.

"He was an energetic, outgoing person who was a lot of fun to be around," he said. "He won't ever be forgotten by anyone he ever met."

A lifelong basketball fan, Graves was on his deathbed at HospiceCare of Boulder and Broomfield Counties in Louisville when, on May 24, he asked that his feeding tube be removed. As he made plans for his end with his doctor George Stark, he said he would love to go see the Nuggets play in Game 4 of the Western Conference finals the next day.

Dan Cook, the owner of Swis Tire and Automotive Services in Castle Rock, offered his suite. The Nuggets beat the Los Angeles Lakers 120-101 that night.

Graves first made his mark as an athlete. He was an All-American wrestler at Arizona State University who came up just short, because of an injury, from making the U.S. Olympic team, his brother said.

Graves co-founded the rhythm, blues and funk band Freddi-Henchi and the Soulsetters with Fred Gowdy in Phoenix in 1966.

The band relocated to Boulder in 1970 after playing a six-week run at a club in Fort Collins.

For the next decade and a half, the Freddi-Henchi Band was a headline act at clubs and arenas up and down the Front Range.

Known for its funky original music, slick choreography and party atmosphere, Freddi-Henchi was an opening act for such performers as the Average White Band, Nitty-Gritty Dirt Band, Chicago, Dr. Hook, Billy Joel, Etta James, Jose Feliciano, Three Dog Night, Firefall, B.B. King, Steely Dan, The Platters, Chuck Berry and Dan Fogelberg.