Thursday, July 30, 2009

Healthcare Reform, or Insurance Payoff?

July 21, 2009: Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., speaks after he and other Blue Dog Democrats met with President Obama at the White House. Listening from left are, Rep. Mike Ross, D-Ark., Rep. Baron Hill, D-Ind., and Rep. Frank Pallone, D-N.J. (AP).

President Obama has been beating the bushes trying to get Americans to understand that the Rethuglicans are poisoning his message on healthcare. I know you've heard the rhetoric about how his plans will kill Americans, and bring immediate death to all Seniors. How a public healthcare plan is just another side of the socialism policies of the white house. Before I go any further I have to let you in on a little secret. Our senators, and congressmen and women have the same healthcare plan President Obama is pushing to get signed. So let's be straight on this: It's good enough for them but would be detrimental for the rest of us. 

Now the public is chiming in that public healthcare will be the worst change we could make in this country. Even though Canada's system has been working just fine. And for those of you out there that still don't have the 211 on this, having the option of a public healthcare system will force the insurance companies, and HMO's to lower their prices bringing them into a more competitive situation. I hear folks complaining that you won't be able to choose your own doctors. That you will have to give up your current insurance policy. Well that's not correct. But you may find yourself paying way more for the same or better coverage than those with the public healthcare plan. It will be your choice. And these arguments come from the folks that already have health insurance.

If you happen to be in my situation, having been laid off from a job, then in most cases you have no health insurance. I don't hear any argument coming from those of us that need an affordable option. But at the same time I hear no support for us either from the Rethugs. 

Here's what the Gallup organization found:

A survey of more than 29,000 individuals in June by Gallup shows that 16 percent of Americans over the age of 18 are currently without health insurance. That number reflects what the survey's authors describe as a "small but measurable uptick in the percentage of uninsured adults."
Indeed, the average number of uninsured adults recorded by Gallup in 2008 was 14.8 percent. In September 2008, the monthly total recorded was at a yearly low of 13.9 percent.

And to make matters worse, the Blue Dog Democrats have been working against President Obama at every step. I bet you thought it was just the Rethugs that were standing in the way, huh? Nope! Yes we have some Demoncrats (nope this is not a typo) out there that will lose millions in lobbying money if a public healthcare plan is passed. I've read comments from other sites with some folks proclaiming that this is how politicians rase money for their re-election. I have no problem with that, but it seems strange to me that getting their money from the insurance companies, and then holding out on a public healthcare plan seems just a little bit suspicious. It just says to the American people that even though it was us that put them in power, they use that power for THEIR own good. Not ours. Spit in my face why don't cha!!!

The following is from a story at the Huffington Post by Sam Stein.


recalcitrant (comparative more recalcitrant, superlative most recalcitrant)

  1. marked by a stubborn unwillingness to obey figures of authority
  2. hard to deal with or operate

Recalcitrant Blue Dogs Raked In Health Industry Cash

The seven Blue Dog Democrats holding up health care reform legislation in the House Energy and Commerce Committee have received tens of thousands more dollars from health and insurance interests than other Democrats on the same committee, a new report finds.

An analysis of campaign finance data by the Public Campaign Action Fund finds a fairly strong correlation between private industry donations and opposition to health care reform. Lawmakers in both the House and Senate who voted against proposed legislation this congressional cycle, the report found, received roughly 65 percent more money from health and insurance interests than those who supported the bills.

When it came to the Blue Dogs in particular, that data showed that the seven members who sit on the Energy and Commerce Committee -- Reps. Mike Ross (Ark.), Baron Hill (Ind.), Charlie Melancon (La.), Jim Matheson (Utah), John Barrow (Ga.), Bart Gordon (Tenn.) and Zach Space (Ohio) -- have received, on average, $711,828 from the health and insurance sectors. Other Democrats on the committee, by contrast, have received an average of $628,023.

Not all the Blue Dogs partook at such high levels. Space, for instance, has raised only slightly more than $200,000 from those two sectors, according to Public Campaign Action Fund. But on the whole, these self-proclaimed fiscal conservatives have found their coffers filled by the industries over which they now have massive legislative sway. Gordon has received more than $1.4 million in donations; Matheson got slightly more than $1 million. Ross, who is leading the Blue Dog negotiations, took in more than $980,000.

In the world of campaign finance, it is almost always the case that money follows power. And on the Energy and Commerce Committee, the Blue Dogs have carved out a powerful niche for themselves through their willingness to buck the party leadership. In recent weeks, the seven members of the committee have held up the passage of health care reform legislation by demanding further negotiations and compromises on measures they say would contain costs. In short order, they have become the crucial votes for health care in the House.

Good government groups have questioned whether their demands are driven by philosophical or electoral motives.

The connections between the Blue Dogs and the health and insurance industries extend beyond campaign donations. An analysis of lobbying reports done by the Huffington Post reveals that several former staffers for these seven Energy and Commerce Committee members have also served as lobbyists for major pharmaceutical companies. For instance, after serving as Gordon's legislative director, Louis Finkel was employed by Lent, Scrivner & Roth. The firm earned $920,000 in lobbying fees from Pfizer between 2001 and 2006, with Finkel acting as a lobbyist for the client.

And since leaving Barrow's office as a legislative assistant, Carl Gist Jr., has taken a position with the firm TCH Group. In the first quarter of 2009, he lobbied on behalf of AMGEN -- another major pharmaceutical company -- charging a fee of $40,000.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009


By Larry W. King

Volume II, Number XIX

July 22, 2009


Peace Be With You!

“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you his peace at all times and in every situation.  The Lord be with you all.” – II Thessalonians 3:16 (New Living Translation)

Webster’s New World Dictionary defines “peace” as follows: Peace n. 1.  freedom from or a stopping of war  2.  a treaty or agreement to end war or the threat of war  3.   freedom from public disturbance or disorder; public security; law and order  4.  freedom from disagreement or quarrels; harmony; concord  5 an undisturbed state of mind; absence of mental conflict; serenity: in full peace of mind  6.  calm; quiet; tranquility.

The word peace occurs more than 400 times in the King James Version of the Bible.  Indeed, at many different points in His ministry, Christ expresses a desire for serenity amongst His followers.  In one of the most inspiring passages in all scripture, Jesus forewarns the disciples of His upcoming departure, but assures them that the Holy Ghost will return, bringing comfort and Spiritual tranquility.  Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” – John 14:27 (KJV).

Later in that same exhortation to His beloved twelve, Our Lord declares: “These things have I spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace.  In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” – John 16:33 (KJV).

Finally, after the resurrection, Jesus appears to the eleven – minus the betrayer, Judas Iscariot, who had hanged himself - gathered in Jerusalem: “And as they thus spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you” – Luke 24:36 (KJV). 

And it’s frequently used even today.  “Peace.”  “Peace, brother.”  “Peace Out!”  “The Peace of the Lord Be Always With You.”  “Peezy fo’ sheezy (i.e. peace for sure).”  These phrases are uttered and heard so frequently, we often take them for granted.  However, like the departure greeting good-bye – literally a contraction of the phrase “God be with ye” – somewhere along the way, peace has lost its true meaning.

Moreover, many of us in this stress-filled, 21st century world, have lost our peace.  Especially, according to Webster’s 5th definition above, “an undisturbed state of mind; absence of mental conflict; serenity: in full peace of mind”.  And what is anxiety or depression, if not the antithesis of peace of mind?  Cherished reader, ponder these sobering statistics:

Ø      Depressive disorders affect approximately 10% of the U.S. population age 18 or older.

Ø      Everyone will at some time in their life be affected by depression – their own or someone else’s.

Ø      The rate of increase of depression among children is an astounding 23% per annum.

Ø      30% of women are depressed.  Men’s figures were previously thought to be half that of women, but new estimates are much higher.

Ø      80% of depressed people are NOT currently being treated.

Ø      92% of depressed African-American males do not seek treatment.

Ø      15% of depressed people will commit suicide.

Ø      Depression will be the second largest killer after heart disease by 2020 – and studies show depression is a contributory factor to fatal coronary disease.

Is there any question that we need true and lasting peace – which ONLY comes from knowing the Creator, personally - now more than ever? 

Faithful reader, no matter what circumstances you are facing today, know assuredly that Our Lord loves you and wants you to have an abundant life FULLY at peace.   Note well the words of Jesus on this: “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy.  My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” – John 10:10 (NLT)

So with poignancy, sincerity and heartfelt earnestness, my prayer for you is that now and forever may God’s Peace Be With You!




Larry W. King is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music (Magna cum Laude) and heads the Denver-based music group, Kingdom Kru.  He serves as Minister of Music at Faith Community Baptist Church under the leadership of co-pastors Rev. Douglas and Katherine Farley.


Ed Freeman  

You're a 19-year-old kid. You're critically wounded and dying in the jungle in the Ia Drang Valley , 11-14-1965, LZ X-ray, Vietnam . Your infantry unit is outnumbered 8-1 and the enemy fire is so intense, from 100 or 200 yards away, that your own Infantry Commander has ordered the MediVac helicopters to stop coming in. 
You're lying there, listening to the enemy machine guns, and you know you're not getting out. Your family is half way around the world, 12,000 miles away and you'll never see them again. As the world starts to fade in and out, you know this is the day. 
Then, over the machine gun noise, you faintly hear that sound of a helicopter and you look up to see an unarmed Huey, but it doesn't seem real because no Medi-Vac markings are on it. 
Ed Freeman is coming for you. He's not Medi-Vac, so it's not his job, but he's flying his Huey down into the machine gun fire, after the Medi-Vacs were ordered not to come. 
He's coming anyway. 
And he drops it in and sits there in the machine gun fire as they load 2 or 3 of you on board. 
Then he flies you up and out, through the gunfire to the doctors and nurses. 
And he kept coming back, 13 more times, and took about 30 of you and your buddies out, who would never have gotten out. 
Medal of Honor Recipient Ed Freeman died on Wednesday, June 25th, 2009, at the age of 80, in Boise , ID.   May God rest his soul. 

Since the media didn't give him the coverage he deserves, send this to every red-blooded American you know.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

If It Ain't One Thing.....

Okay. I guess we can all assume that the Rethugs have thoroughly been through every closet in Barrack Obama's life at this point and to their dismay there are no skeletons. That's the only reason I can come up with why we don't have more than four or five of them stepping to the mic to denounce the crazy idea that the president is not an American citizen. 

  • And now they have a new cause that the Prez thinks the Natick Massachusetts cops acted "stupidly".  Personally I think Barrack Obama put it just the way it is. After proving that it truly was the home of Black scholar Henry Louis Gates the police should have turned and left. But when brother demanded a name and badge number he was charged with "disorderly conduct". And don't get me wrong. I'm sure the professor had plenty to say about the situation that was most likely pretty colorful. But the cops at the scene should have let the man blow off steam and that would have been the end of it. 

  • But so far we have two different stories. One from the policeman, and one from the professor. Personally I want to hear what the Black cop in the picture thinks. By the look on his face (like he's thinking, good Lord) that pretty much sums it up. Of course if he said anything that was against his fellow officers, I'm pretty sure they would be arresting him in his home for the duration.

    Now the pundits say Obama was out of line speaking without knowing all of the facts. Well lets see. There are a couple of things we DO know. 1. The professor had proven he was in his own house. 

    2. President Obama being a Black man from Chicago I'm sure he's been on the receiving end of racial profiling more than once in his life. 3. Massachusetts has a long history of being hard on Black folks. Although having been to Boston a few times I personally have had no problems in the city. But of course I have to admit I've never been to Natick Mass.

    The biggest problem I see is that since Barrack Obama was elected president folks seems to think there is no more racism. And I mean folks of all races. But folks thats not the case. I'm sure we all would sleep better if it were, but hey, you know! And maybe this had nothing to do with racism. Maybe the sergeant was having a bad day, and the professor going off finally did it for him. Or maybe it was a class thing. You know, "here I am busting my ass for this salary, and heres this ass hole living in a community I can't afford to drive through". 

    So until the video taken on a cell phone surfaces, or a Psychic gives us the real 211 we may never really know what got the professor's ass thrown in jail. We know brother cop won't be speaking up any time soon!

    You all have a great and blessed day. PEACE!

    For those who care at all heres a bit of info on the town:

               Total Population: 31,868.  White Population: 29,361. Black Population: 520

  • Natick is on the Charles and Concord river basins.

  • Land was granted to John Eliot in 1650 as a plantation for his Praying Indians 19th-century shoemaking center.

Crime: The number of violent crimes recorded by the FBI in 2003 was 27. The number of murders and homicides was 0. The violent crime rate was 0.8 per 1,000 people.

Coffee: National and regional coffee companies with outlets here include Gloria Jean's.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Who Is Jeff Sessions? Racist?


Well have you had a chance to catch any of the Sotomayor hearings so far?  Well if not, you don't know what you're missing. First of all for any of you out there that are Rethuglicans you have to be embarrassed as hell. 

How many times will Judge Sonia Sotomayor be asked about the one and only gaffe Rethugs can find in her long and successful tenure as a judge? And the nerve of the Rethugs to let Jeff Sessions grill her in that fashion.

Here we have a seemingly White racist politician questioning the qualifications of a judge that has been on the bench for 17 years. A seemingly White racist politician that was rejected for the Supreme Court. How the hell does that work?

Personally I think he's jealous. And he's mad because although Judge Sotomayor's comment may have been bad judgement, it's actually accurate if you add Sessions to the equation. 

And enough is enough. I started to watch this morning, but as soon as the meet and greet was finished, here we go again. Can't these people come up with anything else to ask this woman? If not I'd say the hearings are finished. The Rethugs look pretty bad in the eyes of EVERYBODY right now, and I don't see it getting any better.

Let's be honest here. She's a lock for the position. And I think we as Americans should be proud that President Obama's pick is a good one. The Rethugs are trying to turn this into a circus, but the truth is the woman is very qualified for the Supreme Court.

Instead of trying to tear her down, they should be happy that not only is she qualified, but there will be a Puerto Rican woman on the bench beside them. Oh damn. Did I say that?

Well personally I'm happy. I'm happy that more and more everyday things I see show me the real America. I was at the Rethuglican National Convention last summer in St. Paul, and that was not the real America!  Television, and the movies have been trying to get the point across for years, but it's finally starting to move into the fabric of the country. It's time for the old guard to move aside. Our younger generation is used to seeing people of color in a position of power. And for generations to come things can only get better.

So I say congrats to Judge Sonia Sotomayor! Can't wait to see you those robes doing your thang. You go girl!

But before I go I must leave you with some facts about,  "Jeff Sessions - United States Senator".

You knew I couldn't get out of here without the facts. Thanks to Wikipedia.

And please check out the video HERE from Rachael Maddow @ MSNBC News. You'll love that.

You all have a great and blessed day. PEACE!

1. In 1986, Sessions was nominated for a federal judgeship by President Ronald Reagan. The nomination was killed by the Senate Judiciary Committee, which refused by a 9-9 vote to let the nomination come to the Senate floor for a vote. Sessions's opponents accused him of "gross insensitivity” on racial issues.

Sessions allegedly made a variety of comments that opponents pointed to, when he jokingly said that the Ku Klux Klan was not so bad until he found out that some of them smoked marijuana. Sessions also allegedly referred to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) as "un-American" and "Communist-inspired" because they "forced civil rights down the throats of people." At his confirmation hearings, Sessions said that the groups could be un-American when "they involve themselves in un-American positions" in foreign policy. Sessions claimed that the remarks had been made in jest. One of those voting against him was Democratic Senator Howell Heflin of Alabama.

2. Sessions was quoted then as saying that the Senate on occasion had been insensitive to the rights and reputation of nominees. After joining the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sessions remarked that his presence there, alongside several of the members who voted against him, was a “great irony.” To add to the irony, after Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania left the GOP to join the Democratic Party on April 28, 2009, Sessions was assigned to be the Ranking Member on the Senate Judiciary Committee. This means that if Republicans were able to regain control of the U.S. Senate while he was still serving that he would be the chairman of the very committee that opposed his initial nomination.

3. Sessions had unsuccessfully prosecuted three civil rights workers (including Albert Turner, a former aide to Martin Luther King, Jr.), on a case of election fraud for the 1984 election. Sessions spent hours interrogating African American voters in predominantly black counties, finding 14 allegedly tampered ballots out of approximately 1.7 million ballots cast. The three civil rights workers were acquitted after four hours of jury deliberation.

4. Sessions has been opposed to parts of the Voting Rights Act, which he described as a "piece of intrusive

 legislation." In 2006, he was in favor of letting it expire, and also said that Congress should consider if it was needed in some Northern cities and states.

5. Sessions opposes approval of the Uniting American Families Act. In June 2009, during testimony by a 42-year-old Filipino woman who was scheduled to be deported in April 2009 despite being the mother of two American children and having a relationship for 23 years with an American woman, Sessions was audibly heard relaying to one of his aides, "Enough with the histrionics" when the woman's 12-year-old son began crying during the testimony.

6. On September 25, 2005, he spoke at a rally attended by 400 people in Washington, D.C. in favor of the War in Iraq. It was held in opposition to an anti-war protest held the day before that was attended by 100,000 people. Sessions spoke of the anti-war protesters, saying, "The group who spoke here the other day did not represent the American ideals of freedom, liberty and spreading that around the world. I frankly don't know what they represent, other than to blame America first."

7. On October 5, 2005, he was one of nine Senators who voted against a Senate amendment to a House bill that prohibited cruel, inhumane, or degrading treatment or punishment of individuals in the custody or under the physical control of the United States Government. 

8. Sessions has taken a strong stand against any form of citizenship for illegal immigrants. Sessions was one of the most vocal critics of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007

The Jakarta Band Live @ The Rock Bottom Brewery

Music At The Bottom

Colorado Athletic Club's MUSIC AT THE BOTTOM.

This is our 17th year of bringing music to the downtown neighborhood! Friday July 17th at 5PM the opening band, "Greg Greer", will take the stage. Then "Jakarta" takes the stage at 7PM. Food and beverages will be served out on the patio. All of this neighborhood fun is brought to you by our generous sponsors; Colorado Athletic Club, KBCO, and AlphaGraphics.  We look forward to seeing you at MUSIC AT THE BOTTOM!

July 17th:   5PM Greg Greer
                    7PM Jakarta

Monday, July 13, 2009

Malia Obama called 'ghetto street trash' on Free Republic thread


I don't care who you are, or what your political preference is, this is unacceptable.

A typical street whore." "A bunch of ghetto thugs." "Ghetto street trash." "Wonder when she will get her first abortion. "Could you imagine what world leaders must be thinking seeing this kind of street trash and that we paid for this kind of street ghetto trash to go over there?" wrote one commenter.
"They make me sick .... The whole family... mammy, pappy, the free loadin' mammy-in-law, the misguided chillin', and especially 'lil cuz... This is not the America I want representin' my peeps," wrote another. 

Comments from the right-wing site Free Republic 

Who in their right mind attacks an 11 year old girl for wearing a shirt with of all things, a PEACE sign.

And who in their right mind posts this shit to their web site?

Yeah I know a lot of you Black, White or whatever truly thought that the electing of a Black president in this country, would smooth things out for the races. But here we see that no matter what you do there are always going to be haters. And in this instance some truly vile people are out there waiting to pounce on an 11 year old child.

I know I'm a day behind with this blog, but I couldn't help myself. 

These haters deserve the Louisville Slugger I stash behind the door.  I mean what we need to do is everyone go out and by the baseball bat of your choice, and when confronted by these racially vile, viscous people begin wailing on their ass.

Don't these folks know that the people of these United States of America voted not only for change in government, but change in our racist ways. Even Rethuglicans want a change from what had been brewing in this country for the last eight years.

I may be wrong, but whether Democrat, Independent, or Rethuglican, people don't want to read this trash in their morning newspaper, or have it be the lead off story on their favorite news channel.

Hey look, yes I'm a Democrat. I'm not saying I go for everything the Dems try to put past us. There are some Rethugs out there with some very good ideas. And I had  thought with the electing of President Obama we could get these great ideas together, therefore bringing in those folks that have been haters on anyone not Caucasian for so long. Well we did. The Obama election brought together many people from different political parties, races, religions, and social standing. Brought folks together because we all knew the country was being dragged in the wrong direction.

But here, today, July 13, 2009 we still have a group of folks in this country that would rather lynch a person than get to know that person. They are still living in the past, or should I say these people are afraid to check out the truth about another person, and find it easier to spew hatred about someone they have no idea about.

But leave us not  forget a Black man was hung around the neck and dragged to death in the 90's.

My question is what are they afraid of? From a Black Man's point of view, the world has always been yours. And as we've seen in the past, to do with as you please. You invade other countries to democratize them, even though those countries do not want a democracy. To force your will on anyone that does not agree with you. In this country we had slavery, Japanese internment camps, and the new deal is now how do you keep the Mexican in your fields, and in your homes, but at the same time keeping them from citizenship.

Again I say today, July 13, 2009 this is not the way the majority of White folks look at our country. Whites, Black, Asians, Jews, Mexicans, and other immigrants are working harder together today than at any other time in the history of this nation. And from what I see it will only get better.

But you haters had better watch out. The batting averages are about to go up, and we're not going to go away. Face it, America has a different face these days. And the sooner the haters recognize, the sooner they will realize that working together we can make this the great country THEY always say they want.

P.S. And quit spewing the pure White blood thing. There is no such thing. Read a book PEACE!


By Larry W. King

Volume II, Number XVIII

July 9, 2009


Need Healing?  You’re Welcome!


“The apostles returned and reported on what they had done.  Jesus took them away, off by themselves, near the town called Bethsaida.  But the crowds got wind of it and followed.  Jesus graciously welcomed them and talked to them about the kingdom of God.  Those who needed healing, he healed.”  – Luke 9:10-11 (The Message)


In our text, Jesus had gathered his Disciples together privately in an attempt to wrest a break from the madding throngs of people who’d begun to follow him everywhere.  Jesus ministry was in full effect as he performed miracles in the presence of many eyewitnesses.  Indeed, his “rock star” fame preceded him everywhere he went.  Is there any question that our Lord would require respite from the importunate hordes who constantly pressed upon him?

Nevertheless, the amazing thing about Jesus was the fact that no matter how tired, how crowded he was or how frenzied the mob may have been, he ALWAYS showed compassion for the poor, sick and distressed masses which surrounded him.  As the text says, he graciously welcomed them and healed them.  What an awesome, caring and loving God we serve!  Risking even his own comfort and safety, he loved, served and HEALED the people. 

Consider these words from the letter to the Hebrews – generally attributed to the apostle Paul (but actual authorship remains the subject of some provocative theological debate) - which characterize Christ as our compassionate High Priest:  This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin.  So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, andwe will find grace to help us when we need it most” – Hebrews 4:15-16 (New Living Translation).

On our frantically-paced, stress-filled, 21st century planet, it seems each of us has scars – physical, mental and Spiritual – from untreated injuries in desperate need of critical emergency care.  We hurt from the wounds of our past.  Forced smiles by day belie the pain of pillows drowned in tears at night – tears of rage, fear, doubt, depression and despair. 

We hurt from our present wounds … financial contusions of unemployment or under-employment; from layoffs borne of jobs wantonly exiled offshore - outsourced by employers fervently consumed by the idolatry of the almighty dollar.  We hurt from an agonized and unfathomable present of corporate bailouts for the rich alongside bankruptcy for the middle-class and homelessness for the poor. 

And, we inflict our pain upon the generation of our children.  Our offspring inordinately bear the stigmata of single-parent upbringing, as today more U.S. marriages fail through divorce than succeed.  Indeed, innocent babies enter this world with AIDS, addicted to crack cocaine or methamphetamine, suffering from birth - through no fault of their own – from the festering wounds of morally diseased parents.  Is there any greater American Tragedy?

Has there ever been a time when a nation was MORE in need of collective healing?  I think not!

Yet, beloved reader, there is everlasting, unspeakable, joyous hope for ALL whose faith is in the Great Physician - our Lord and savior Jesus Christ!  In marvelously poetic language, John the Revelator says Jesus - the slain Lamb of God - is the great cultivator and caretaker of the ultimately wholesome tree of life: “…which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations” – Revelation 22: 2b (KJV).

Are you tired, weak, hurt, perplexed, anxious or depressed?  Take heart and comfort in the words of Christ himself: “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” – Matthew 11:28 (KJV). Moreover, in John’s Gospel He speaks these priceless words as timeless balm to the weary soul: “… I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live” – John 11:25b (KJV).

Are YOU in need of healing?  With open arms and a loving heart, Our Heavenly Father says to each of us as His beloved sons and daughters, “My healing is yours for the asking.”  Precious child, YOU’RE WELCOME!



Larry W. King is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music (Magna cum Laude) and heads the Denver-based music group, Kingdom Kru.  He serves as Minister of Music at Faith Community Baptist Church under the leadership of co-pastors Rev. Douglas and Katherine Farley.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Washington DC’s ‘The Family’

A 70 year old, powerful Christian group called “The Family”, runs a home for politicos working in Washington D.C.  It is designed to bring more wealth and power to the already wealthy and powerful.

Okay. I thought I stayed on top of current news, but somehow this story got by me.

Here we have a bunch of so called religious right-wing politicians that believe the world is theirs by right of God, and blessings come from them, NOT the Lord.

But wait a minute, it's not just Rethuglicans involved. There are some Democrats hanging out with this guy Doug Coe. And Hillary Clinton has been one of them.

I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried. Well maybe I could, but this is the real deal!!! 

I'll let you judge for yourself. I've included the site addresses for some of the information that follows, but the clincher is the video from Racheal Maddow of MSNBC NEWS interviewing Jeff Sharlet author of "The Family".

God bless us all. PEACE!

Meet Gov. Sanford's other Family

The family is headed by a man named Douglas Coe, who has controversially encouraged the men under his tutelage to follow Jesus with the same sort of blind devotion shown by Hitler's followers. The members also refer to themselves as the "new chosen people," believing that the Jews broke their covenant with God.

Incorporated today as a tax-free 501(c)(3) nonprofit operating under the name The Fellowship Foundation, the Family maintains a three-story, $1.1 million brick townhouse at 133 C St. in Washington -- a former convent that's now home to members of Congress while being treated like a church under tax law. Among the lawmakers who have rented rooms there are Zach Wamp (R-Tenn.) and Jim DeMint (R-S.C.). Other lawmakers linked to the group include Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.), Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.), Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.), who also recently admitted to an extramarital affair.

In a meeting with his cabinet after his public confession, the New York Times reported, Gov. Sanford apologized for letting people down but said he has no plans to resign. He referred to the biblical story of King David: "the way in which he fell mightily ... but then picked up the pieces and built from there."

In a radio interview yesterday with Terry Gross of NPR's Fresh Air, Jeff Sharlet -- author of "The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power" -- shed more light on the shadowy group and Sanford's connection to it. Sharlet, who is also the co-creator of Killing the Buddha, an online literary journal about religion, spent almost a month several years ago living at Ivanwald, The Family's two-story colonial house on a cul-de-sac in Arlington, Va. that serves as a training ground for the group's next generation. Recommended for membership by a banker acquaintance, Sharlet was in fact there on a reporting mission that besides his book led to a 2003 Harper's magazine story titled "Jesus plus nothing: Undercover among America's secret theocrats."

During the interview with Gross, Sharlet noted The Family's emphasis on the biblical King David story that Sanford referenced. In that tale, David sees the beautiful Bathsheba, decides he must have her, gets her pregnant, arranges to have her husband killed in battle, and then marries her. Asked by Gross whether he had a better understanding of the Sanford affair because he studied The Family, Sharlet pointed to the governor's King David reference:

That's actually one of the sort of core parables of The Family that I encountered, and describe this experience with David Coe, the son of Doug Coe, the leader, came around and gave us this long lesson. He says, 'What made King David great?' And the men I was with are all trying to say, 'Well, he loved God,' all this. He [says], 'No, No, that's not it. King David was a terrible man. You know, he was an adulterer and a murderer. So why is he a hero of the Bible?' And the answer is because God chose him. King David is beyond morality, in their limited understanding of scripture. ... I could almost hear Doug Coe's voice when Gov. Sanford was saying, 'I need to keep governing, because I'm like King David.'

The calls for Sanford to step down are growing louder, with a half-dozen newspapers, a majority of Republicans in the South Carolina state senate and U.S. Rep. Gresham Barrett (R-S.C.) all urging his resignation. But the South Carolina newspaper The State reports that Sanford says he plans to stay "until they throw me out."

Monday, July 6, 2009

Wil Key - Live at the Oriental Theatre July 7th

I had posted info on this brother back in February after checking out his new CD "Satisfy My Soul". Which by the way if you haven't added it to your music collection you are truly missing out on a very talented musician, songwriter, and vocalist.

Well tomorrow night July 7th Wil Key is coming to you LIVE at the Oriental Theatre
@ 4335 W. 44th AVE. here in Denver.
Show starts at 7PM.

You defiinately want to check this brother out. Get to his web site now, and make your plans to see a very talented Wil Key.

Here's a a bit of bio for ya!   PEACE!


Singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, Wil Key, has been producing his unique and soulful brand of contemporary R&B music for many years now. This talented artist and producer from Kentucky has written for, recorded and produced some of the finest musical acts in the nation. He has worked with Def Jam recording artists Playa, whose subsequent debut album was produced by Timbaland and features Missy Elliot and the late Aaliyah among others. He has also worked extensively with former Jive recording artists LA Ganz, with whom he attended the                                                                                                       High School of The Performing Arts as a Theater and Music major. The group recorded fifteen tracks for the label, four of which went on to be included on Major-Motion-Picture soundtracks including Booty Call, Phat Beach and The Long Kiss Good Night. In addition

 to co-sequencing the LA Ganz song "Count On Me," which is featured on the soundtrack for the New Line Cinema release Dangerous Ground (Ice Cube), Wil also performs the piano solo.

As we speak, Wil in the studio finalizing his latest CD entitled "Satisfy My Soul," and has assembled a rich assortment of talented musicians and artists to appear on the 15-song release. A refreshing mixture of Jazz, R&B/Neo-Soul, Rock and Poetry, The CD will include special guests Bijoux Barbosa (bass), Betsy Ruckard (vocals), Mark Harris (sax), Light (spoken word), Anthony Waker (guitar), Maritri Garrett (vocals, cello), James Brandon Lewis (sax) and many others. For this CD, Wil has also been working with 5-time gra

mmy winning engineer Ryan West (Jay-Z, Beyonce, T.I. , Jon Secada, Rashann Patterson) from New York City. West is currently mixing songs for the project at his private studio in Manhattan and will be recording a special guest artist from Brooklyn for the project later this month.

Although he has many years of writing and performing experience under his belt, he says "I feel as though this is just the beginning, I have many stories to make!"

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Franco Harris and Super Bakery

Hey Now!

Went to Las Vegas this past week to gig for ex Pittsburgh Steelers star running back Franco Harris.

Franco gave a party for about 3000 school lunch ladies from around the country in the Mandalay Bay Convention Center. He mentioned how hard they worked for the children, and felt they needed a little down time.

His company stresses nutrition in schools, and he's been very successful at it.

Below is a short bio on this brother and his company.

I just want to say thanks Franco, the Jakarta Band had a great time. It was one helluva party.

God Bless, and have a great day. PEACE!


Franco Harris is well known for his outstanding career in the National Football League, one so productive that it earned him a 1990 induction into The Pro Football Hall of Fame.  During his years with the Pittsburgh Steelers, Harris set the standard for NFL running backs - big, fast and agile with explosive cutback ability.  He established many team and league records, played in nine Pro Bowls, and led the Steelers’ charge to four Super Bowl victories.  Franco was named MVP of Super Bowl IX.  His “Immaculate Reception” in the final 

seconds of the 1972 AFC playoff game against the Oakland Raiders is considered to be the greatest individual play in NFL history. 


After football, Harris applied himself to his college degree in Food Service and Administration. He started out in the early 1980’s with a small distribution company called Franco’s All Naturèl, focusing on high quality, natural products.  This is where and how Harris learned the business, driving thousands of miles, meeting with potential customers, c-store chains and distributors.  He warehoused, sold, promoted and sometimes even delivered Franco’s FROZEFRUIT and his other all-natural products.  In 1990 Harris established Super Bakery with the goal of making it The Leader in Bakery Nutrition.  Super Donuts® and Super Buns® are made with no artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives and are fortified with NutriDough®, a special dough of Minerals, Vitamins and Protein. Super Donuts® and Super Buns® are sold to school systems across America, providing MVP Nutrition!® to millions of students each year.  As a result of its success, Super Bakery has made inroads into the Healthcare and Military market segments, and product testing in the retail marketplace is scheduled for this year. Always striving to be Your Bakery for Life, Super Bakery wants to reach people with its Super products from their earliest years to their golden years.  Franco is a hands-on President/Owner, who is involved in the day-to-day operations with a special emphasis on sales marketing. 

Under Harris’ leadership, Super Bakery has sponsored many community events, including the national MS Walk-a-Thon and The Greater Las Vegas After-School All-Stars. The company is also active in various school programs promoting kids’ health and nutrition.  Franco served as the Chairman of the Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports for eight years under Pennsylvania Governor Robert P. Casey (1987- 1995).  In addition to his community involvement, Franco has given talks and been published on the subject of health and transition issues facing retired NFL players.  He spends a lot of time reading and researching current food trends and innovations, as well as serving as a member of the Advisory Board of the Penn State Center for Food Innovation.  Recently, Super Bakery entered the organic foods arena with its line of organic and functional breads, called Super Breads®, which are leading the company to new market oportunities.   


Throughout his careers, Harris has received numerous honors.  Some of those include recognition as a distinguished alumnus of Penn State University, the Whizzer White Humanitarian Award, NFL “Man of the Year”, The American Academy of Achievement “Golden Plate Award”, and the National Urban League’s Whitney M. Young Award.  In 1997 he was honored as the National Multiple Sclerosis Volunteer of the Year, and in the spring of 2001, Franco was honored as the Penn State School of Hotel, Restaurant, Recreation Management Alumnus of the Year.  In October of 2005, Penn State honored him as an Alumni Fellow, the highest honor conferred by the Penn State Alumni Association. 


Born March 7, 1950 at Fort Dix, New Jersey, Franco grew up in Mount Holly, NJ, one of nine children.  He was a three-sport star at Rancocas Valley High School, and received a football scholarship to Penn State University, graduating in 1972 with a B.S. in Food Service and Administration.