By Daddy
I was reading a blog by Christiane Amanpour at CNN.com today. The story is about how an Obama win could change the world. It seems that so many across the globe feel this way except for a few haters from this country. And of course you know the haters had to comment.
This election will change the world
Posted: 1613 GMT
NEW YORK — Finding myself in New York City this U.S. election Day, I saw scenes that reminded me of the first democratic elections I covered in Afghanistan in 2004, or Iraq in 2005.
Scenes that reminded me of the historic election in South Africa in 1994 when a black man, Nelson Mandela, was elected president thus ending generations of white minority rule known as apartheid.
Or 1998 in Iran when women and young people turned out en masse to elect the first ever reform president, the moderate cleric Mohammad Khatami.
The enduring motifs from those elections were the massively long lines at the polling centers. Men and women standing patiently, sometimes for hours, to cast their first ever vote for a hopeful secure future. Read More
By: Chief International Correspondent, Christiane Amanpour
This is the comment that caught my eye:
mike Roberts
November 4th, 2008 1646 GMT
the arrogance of thinking the US election will change the world is boring at best and grating at worst.yes it is historic, yes it is interesting, but it will not change the world.there will be troops in Iraq whoever wins, there will be an economic crisis, whoever wins, there will be famine and conflict in Africa, whoever wins, and there will still be terrorist elements all over the world aiming their anger at America and the rest of the world, whoever wins. So please, stop this rhetoric of “changing the world” and lets hope America can change itself and by this regain its Status as an admired democratic country worldwide. Don’t run before you can walk.
This type of thinking or non-thinking is exactly what’s wrong with this country. I mentioned a few weeks ago that my pahtnah Lareezy and his wife Kimberly honeymooned in Greece. His comment on the elections as seen from the Europeans point of view was that a win by Barack Obama would be very good for the world. They also talked to many other folks from around the world that are very excited for Barack Obama. The only haters they ran into were from the United States.
So, for those of you that don’t think an Obama win will make this a better world should check out political news sites from other countries. Their main concern is that Obama has the brains for diplomacy. They respect the fact that he would choose to talk, instead of bomb a country. He would rather come to a compromise before sending your children off to die. And he certainly won’t make up an excuse to invade another country.
These folks also see that America is trying to change its racist spots. You have to agree that for a Black man to be elected president of this country is, is? It’s such a game changer that I really don’t know how to explain it. I don’t know what to call it. Extraordinary?
What does it say about the state of America when the bigots confide that they are voting for the Nigger? It looks like George Bush has lost the support of those people that don’t want a Black man for president, but are smart enough to know they don’t need another 4 years of Bush politics. Damn!
Obviously this election means something different to Black folks than some White folks. But as we’ve seen, the White population of this country came out in droves to support and vote for Barack Obama. What does that tell you?
It says that diplomacy around the world is the way to go. We no longer are looked at as a soothing liaison between warring factions. We are no longer seen as a diplomatic powerhouse. Other countries look at us as the insurgents. They look at us as the terrorists. And a win by John Insane cements the notion of keeping things the same. Bomb bomb bomb, Iran? This is what we want from the leader of this country? I think not. And it’s looking like a whole lot of folks feel the same way.
I for one welcome the chance to be considered above the rankings of a third world country. While the comment above is one of a pessimist, it’s also the downward thinking that if anything will drive this country into a deep depression. And I’m not talking about the economy.
Yes the war in Iraq will still be there tomorrow. The failing bank system will still be there tomorrow. And yes the famine in Africa will still be there. But the one thing we will have tomorrow if Barack Obama becomes the POTUS will be a diplomat that knows how to talk to people. (You know, the one thing the Rethugs said he had going for him.) He will be a president that not only demands respect for himself, but for the rest of the country as well. And with this new respect he will find help in other countries to overcome these problems that seem so overwhelming to tackle alone.
We must remember America is still the destination for many who will leave their own country. America is still the place to be for the rights and freedoms so many will never experience.
So for you haters:
People get Ready There's a train a-comin You Don't need no baggage you just get on board. All you need is faith to hear the diesels comin. Don't need no ticket you just thank the lord.
(People Get Ready. Curtis Mayfield and the Impressions)
Well I’m off to Chocolate City (Washington DC) tomorrow for a few days of R&R, and partying with Mommy, but you know I’ll have something to say after midnight tonight. The blog will be back Monday morning.
But in the mean time! God bless, and have a great day. PEACE!
So, what's your point?
I have to agree with both the anonymous pessimist that you quote, and you. The election of Obama has *accomplished* nothing. But, the election has opened *so* many doors.
A man I have great regard for said "This victory alone is not the change we seek -- it is only the chance for us to make that change."
This is but the first concrete step in an effort to change the country back into what she was meant to be. To undo damage that has been done not just in the last 8 years. To positively affect and unite the world.
Well said Mr. Speaker.
I was at the White House yesterday, and while there a Blackk woman was in the crowd singing We're movin on up. This is the theme song from the television show The Jeffersons. This I thought showed the ignorance of some folks that will not work if we truly want to change the face of this country.
First, we're not going to move anywhere if we ALL don't get to work.
And with all that has change already with the election of Barack Obama the one thing we don't need is reverse discrimination from the same lazy ass Black folks waiting for a handout.
I'm not trying to come down on anyone, but I thought this was not correct in a crowd of people that were from every corner of the globe.
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