By Daddy.
Well it’s getting hot and heavy around here. We are coming down to the wire in an election that’s been hard fought, and emotionally draining, not only for the candidates, but for the whole country.
We’ve seen John McInsane zigzag the country with his message of change. And we’ve seen Barack Obama all over the airwaves with his message of hope.
Now it’s up to us to figure out whose message most includes our idea of a better quality of life. Should we continue on with the Bush-Cheney policies, and pray that things will get better in the next four years. Or should we go with Barack Obama, and overhaul the existing economic disaster, and try to salvage what we can for the future?
That seems pretty easy to me. But there are folks out there that say they can’t make up their minds. I’ve thought about it, and these are two completely different sets of ideals. One gives more to the lower, and middle class, while the other takes from those same people, and gives more to big business with the promise of trickle down economics.
I can see where the Rethuglicans try to make their point that giving more breaks to corporations in turn allows them to hire more people, who turn out more products. But the problem with this plan is that people are afraid to spend what little money they have. Therefore layoffs, early retirement, plant closures etc… Isn’t that where we’re at today?
It makes more sense to me if the people have more money left over after paying their bills, they will spend a little extra on themselves, and their families. Johnny can finally get those new Air Jordan’s. Family #2 can finally take that long overdue vacation with the kids. Uncle Chuck and Aunt Biddy don’t have to choose between Prescription drugs, and a meal. When the people have more money, the corporations make more money, and everybody is happy.
Hey I’m not an economist as I’m sure you can tell, but we’ve seen Barack Obama’s plan work in the past. “BILL CLINTON”!
But if you happen to be in the top 1% John McInsane is your man. He doesn’t have a clue as to how he’ll get your investment money back, but you can be sure that the poor and the have-nots will not be a threat to you at least for the next four years.
The Iraq Insurgency.
John McInsane says if we pull out of Iraq now we will be perceived as cowards. Hey John! We already look like a bunch of cowards. We invaded a country that did nothing to us. Our leader lied that there were WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. And when it was clear there were no WMD’s we had to get rid of

Now that all of this has been taken care of why are we still there? Why after 4000 of our children have lost their lives behind a lie, are they still in harms way? And I can’t go any further without mentioning the hundreds of thousands of Iraq civilians (women, and children) killed since 2003.. It seems we can’t get a straight answer on this one, but we know there have many more than has been reported.
Why does John McInsane keep saying that we are winning the war? Winning the war???????????
The Victims of Hurricane Katrina.
Forgot all about that didn’t you?

By John Mashek
Posted August 14, 2008
Nearing Katrina's third anniversary, the city shows signs of promise. Recent visitors report a city coming back—if too slowly for some residents.
Many African-American citizens who fled the low-lying wards will probably never return. There are few homes in those areas, and jobs are difficult to find. Some streets still look deserted.
The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation found in a recent survey that 6 of 10 in the city are feeling better about their future—a positive sign. However, 7 in 10 said affordable housing was not available and rising crime was a concern. Even this week there was another setback when the state gave up on a two-year contract for building homes because of an alleged conflict of interest with the two top bidders.
You all have a great and blessed day. PEACE
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