Well with the 2008 elections behind us, it’s back to ranting for me. These are just a few subjects that I have a problem with. You must remember I’m a mad old Black man. But I am feeling a bit better these days.
A few things I would do as POTUS. So here we go!

2. The second thing I would do as POTUS is change the laws on campaigning. No more lying to the public to tear down the opponent. You must deal with the issues concerning the people of this country. You lie, you are disqualified. Your opponent wins. No second chances. Nope, none!
3. I wouldn’t give a penny to the automakers until they had produced cars that get 40mpg in the city, and won’t cost you more than $12,000. PERIOD! Greedy bastards. Think about it. If you build a

4. I would NOT bailout anyone else!
So let me get this straight. The predatory lender gives a loan with a very high interest rate to a person they know can’t afford it. They charge them maybe as much as $20,000 at closing. So the broker is now paid. Let’s say the person has now been in his home for 5 years. The bank that gave the loan has now collected interest for the past five years. And let’s not forget the people that took the loans for home they knew they couldn’t afford.

5. If we still have some of the 700 billion I want that back too. I want to get money to towns and cities for roads, and bridges. I want to build wind turbines in every city, and every town. YOU will pay for your own wind turbine. But if the numbers are correct you will be giving electricity back to the city, therefore instead of the credit back to you, it goes to pay for the wind turbine. You end up paying nothing. Or in reality the property will always make the payment. And the beauty of it is we may even clean up the air a bit, and help the environment.
6. I would bring back the draft. Everybody gets their chance to serve their country. Why should the poor be the only people putting their ass on the line for this country? If you are a citizen you should take your turn defending the people. We live here together. If a bomb were to drop, it can’t tell the difference who you are. Aside from medical care for the rest of your life, two years would get you two years of college paid in full. Four years would get you four years paid in full. This is along with the current benefits offered. Either way you would be required to give two years as a reservist after your service. This is in case of a national emergency.
7. I would require the oil companies to open capped wells on land they already lease from us, before giving them free reign in new areas of the country. I would take away the current tax break, and put a cap on what they can charge the

8. I would start collecting the debts owed to us from countries around the world that have been delinquent for who knows how many years, with interest.
9. I would change the laws for the insurance companies. Let’s say you’re 50 years old. You have never had a claim filed on your auto or homeowners insurance that you’ve been paying for thirty years. We’ll say $850 per year. That’s $25,500 that would look very good in YOUR bank account right about now. You’ve never had to use the money, so shouldn’t they give some of it back?
10. Immigration. If you’re not here legally YOU MUST LEAVE! You can always come back after you sign zee correct papers, and entered the country legally. You must be in the system so you go through he same bureaucratic bullshit like the rest of us. I would offer 10 years of military service for citizenship. While the person is in active duty, his family will get the same benefits as every American that serves their country.

Any child that holds a 4.0 GPA can have a full ride at state college at $5000 per year.
12. If you want to hold teachers responsible for raising your child forget it. Parents will have to be held responsible for having their child prepared each day for school. This means homework, and hygiene, and attitude. Failure to do so will cost the parents in fines. Teachers that pass stringent background checks should start at $50,000 per year.
13. Any child under the age of 18 will have FREE and COMPLETE health care. There are millions of hard working folks in this country that although they have been at a company for some time may not have company insurance. Their children should always be covered.
Any person that works for a living should have very affordable health care. We have to put a cap somewhere on the drug companies. It is not fair that money makes the difference in living or dying.
14. If you have worked your whole life you shouldn’t have to pay income or property taxes after the age of 65. We treat our elderly terribly. These are folks that have paved the way. These are folks that we’ve learned from. They deserve a hell of a lot more than they’re getting.
15. As far as gay marriage, get over it! I personally don’t believe in it, but that does not give me the right to tell two people what they can or can not do. Some same sex partners have put in years together whether you call it marriage or not. They should have the right to have their partners included how ever they wish.
16. I almost forgot abortion. I am a Christian. I do not believe in abortion. But again it is not my right to tell a woman what she can or can not do with HER body. It has always amazed me how MEN have set these laws. Being a Christian, I understand that we as human beings have the understanding to determine what is right and what is wrong. It is between you and your God what decision you make.
17. The police MUST STOP killing Black men for no reason. There have been too many instances where a Black man is shot reaching for his wallet. Too many instances of “I thought he had a gun”. Too many instances of looking like someone who

18. The racism must stop. Or at least the people that don’t want to be here with the rest of us should have a place they can call their own. We should give them an island. Tropical weather and sandy beaches. Nothing but Aryans and Nazis as far as you can see. Ah a beautiful life.
It is a great day in America that we have elected the first Black POTUS. IN AMERICA NOT BLACK AMERICA! I’m hearing some Black folk talk of how easy it’s going to be now that Barack Obama has been elected. FOOLS! It’s going to be a harder challenge. It’s going to take hard work from us all to regain our status in the world, and here at home. It will be even harder to get out of this economy we’re in. The first thing we have to get rid of are the folks who WANT to live on welfare. I’m sorry but the country is tired of taking care of your lazy ass, and your children’s lazy asses. If your child refuses to go to school, and would rather hang out with other little assholes that feel the same way, he becomes a prime target for the US Army. Get their asses off the streets, and into a disciplined society. Hopefully they’ll learn something there if it’s nothing more than how to properly clean a toilet. I understand there are certain situations for some folks in the welfare system. In their case this would not be mandatory.

These folks I’m talking about are the Niggers. Please don’t get me wrong. I love my people, but some of us just don’t get it. They are the ones that always try to find the easy way out. They are also the crabs in the barrel, swearing against others because of their own ignorance. We must be rid of this element. We must find a way to change the thinking of those who have no hope. We must find a way to bring these same people around to our way of thinking. Who told young Black children that only they do not have to put in the work along with everyone else? Who told Black children that only they do not have to have an education? THIS is a part of the change Obama talks about.
Working together we can make this a great country. We’ve already started, and it can’t go any way but up. I never heard Barack Obama mention helping Black America, But I heard him loud and clear that he will help AMERICA. So buck up soldier and let’s git er done. PEACE!
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