By Daddy
Slavery in the United States began soon after English colonists first settled Virginia in 1607 and lasted until the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1865. (Wikipedia)
Well I made it through election night with just a slight hangover to show for it. I tried to write something last night but between the crying, the phone calls, and the Martini’s, I felt it might be better to wait until today.
This is truly a great day in America. Barack Obama has done what would truly be called a circus catch of the 25th level! The brother is The President of the United States of America after a decisive victory over John McCain, his Rethuglican rival. I just had a thought. Do we call him Mr. President, or Brother President? Hum.
This morning instead of my usual rant, I’m going to let folks from around the world get in their views, and comment on this game changing election. I saved the best one for last. PEACE!
Thanks to Phyllis Kajiwara for sending me the picture of the First Family.

I congratulate president Obama on his victory. Change in America must accompany change in Central/S Asia, especially Afghanistan. Afghans/Pukhtuns will honour a strategic partnership with the US if they can gain their lands and people back from artificial State of Pakistan. The US can not have both, as is, and expect peace. From Oxus to Indus rivers are our land and people.
MW....United Kingdom
Oh how I hope this is true, that USA no longer defines its citizens by skin colour, pink, black, white or brown but can rise to a new concept of equality. I wish that Rosa Parks had lived to see the day, and Obama's grandmother. But no matter. Those of us who are older remember the old campaign song "We shall overcome" - some day. Now we see white and black Americans with a banner declaring, "WE HAVE OVERCOME." Way to go!
Persuasive victory!!!
We hope it's going to be a change in American foreign policy...
Mahdi Kemal....Ethiopia
No more Black or White! Bravo Obama, you made the dream of Dr King and Malcolm X a reality. Time heals what reason cannot! This is a time to make America for all.
Ayaan Moussa Ahmed....Somalia
I think what America did is remarkable in this century, because they showed us what America really looks like. Before yesterday, we believed America was a White country club where there was no place for Black Americans at all, and now it will be remaining in our mind in a positive way, at least the new president is African-American. Here in the horn of Africa there are a lot of things going on, especially in Somalia, so I think the new strategy could be better than the ones of the last.
Arthur Visser....Netherlands
Obama gets my congratulations and from many other people of my country. We will think he will be a good president and wish him all the best.
We just hope that President Obama will change the American foreign policy of war and change it to peace. We hope also that his government will help oppressed people like our brothers in Southern Philippines, the Bangsamoro people of Mindanao.
Moe Y....Lebanon
Bush said that Obama's win is "awesome"! Well guess what Bush: "awesome" describes only the beginning of the upcoming stunning Obama changes... He will start fixing all the awesome mistakes you've made! People get ready to see some major changes all over the world.
We will see if Obama does better than Bill Clinton (who has the blood of a million Iraqis on his hands). Some people predict the same policies from Obama. However, we can all take pleasure in one certitude. Remember how Barbara Bush made fun of the black people who were evacuated after Katrina? Well now she must not only see the White House occupied by a black president, but also face the reality that it was her son's actions who put him there.
Dr Eka Airlangga....Indonesia
Congratulations! Hopefully, all the dreams of Americans for equality and a better future will be a good example for other countries. America will be changed for being good and mutual understanding to other countries. Don't start to be a world policeman. Keep your promise!
Riyaz....United Arab Emirates
Muslim welcomes this win! It's proved to some of the leaders who fought against Islam in the name of 'war on terror', as from the Holy Quran verse: "The unbelievers planned and plotted, He (Allah) also planned and plotted, and He is best in planning and all knowing!" Obama might not be a practising Muslim, but hopefully will not allow thousands of civilians to be killled in Iraq and Afganistan hereafter. Every Muslim over the world enjoys this victory! Masha'Allah! [Thanks be to God!]
Jameel Iqbal....India
Obama says, change has come to America. Good! I am eagerly awaiting to see if change will also come to American foreign policy too, especially in relation to the Middle East in general and Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan in particular.
JB....United States
God help us all. This inexperienced socialist will only deepen the global recession. His taxation policies will stifle growth in the US and the world and his anti-trade policies will further set back global growth even further. And his stated policy of meeting with leaders of terrorist-sponsored states will only embolden terrorists. His VP pick Biden, was correct, within six months there will be a terrorist incident to test this inexperienced socialist.
And the list goes on. Read More
1 comment:
JB needs to change what he is smoking. It's rotting his brain.
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