By Daddy
Good morning, good morning!
Mommy and I returned home from Chocolate City last evening. And I must say it was a great trip. I think the best thing about it was the enthusiasm of folks no matter on the street, in the subway, Black, White, Latino, Asian, or European.
The buzz is everywhere. While sightseeing at the White House, folks began singing “We’re moving on up” (Theme from the TV show The Jefferson’s).
Folks from all over the world were at the Lincoln Memorial to sign the giant post card for Barack Obama. To be honest it seemed like the majority of folks waiting to sign were not from this country. But it didn’t matter. People stood in line for a chance to wish Barack Obama, and his family well, and to promise to pray for the change he speaks of. Beautiful thang!

Next it’s on to Ben’s Chili Bowl for a Half Smoke sandwich. This consists of a smoked sausage drowning in chili, cheese, and onions. May I have another? Bill Cosby is the only person in the world that never has to pay for a sandwich. Damn!!!
While there we were fortunate that a good friend of my brother in law invited us to sit in the back room, and it was worth it. The Rethuglican lobbyists were having their lost my job lunch. Each lobbyist would stand and tell who they worked for, and what they looking for now that the Rethugs are out in Washington. The best quote of the afternoon after one lobbyist stood and introduced himself, a voice from the back of the room suggested Barack Obama was looking for a driver! I didn’t get a chance to record it, and I know I’ll be kicking myself from now on. But none the less it made for great comedy.

You know I had to be a tourist for at least one day. We made the rounds to all of the monuments except two. I missed the Iwo Jima memorial, and we didn’t get a chance to visit the home of Fredrick Douglas. Those two will be first on my list in January. But for what we did see, it felt different this time. Being among the giant statues on the mall I felt that finally I was a part of all this. I didn't feel disconnected as I had in the past. The election of Barack Obama has changed me in a way I never thought would even happen. Yes I am an American. Not an African American. Not a Black American. I am an American, and damn proud of it. Hearing the people on the street talking about Obama and the future was an uplifting experience. It felt good to talk to folks that in the past probably would have never struck up a conversation with me. But this new deal feeling that we have to work together, brings a curiosity that can not be overcome without conversation, and communication.
Oh one last thing. If you’re planning on being in Washington for the inaugural I would suggest you get busy NOW. The main story in the paper everyday is that hotel rooms are going very quickly.
You may also want to purchase your airline tickets NOW. The companies plan on raising the fares for that destination for those dates.

Well tomorrow its back to politics, and community subjects. But I had to share my trip with you.
Hope I didn’t bore you to death. Until tomorrow, PEACE!
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