Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Another Young Black Woman on Her Way!

This is a shout to Kai Day!

Just graduating from Florida A&M with her Masters in Business Administration, and Marketing Concentration. Oh, and let me not forget Magna cum laude. (a Latin phrase meaning “with great honor.) It is a distinction awarded to students who have displayed remarkable academic distinction.

To be Black in American history is to know hardship. Just think, years ago having to ask permission to make basic choices such as, "May I eat. May I walk. May I whatever," is a beat down no matter where you happen to be from, or what you may believe in. Laborers, cooks, maids, were the top tier jobs that most Black folks felt lucky to get. And still today in the year 2010 some Black folks are still receiving their beatdown. But these days, more often than not, that foot they feel on their necks comes from willful refusal of some to grab hold of the tools it will take to make it in this world today.

So today I am celebrating the graduation of the class of 2010 in every college, and university in the land. Teaching, Business, Economics, Science, Law, Health, Engineering, are the goals of todays Black graduate. Congratulations to you that chose the harder path for success. We always knew you could do it.

And an extra shout out to my niece Kai Whitney Day for not only being the smartest apple in the barrel, but for being the shinning star for the rest of the children in our family to follow to their own successes. OOH-RAH Kai Day!

You all have a great and blessed day.


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