By Daddy
Okay you’ll have to give me a moment to get myself together. I have just finished watching Michelle Obama’s speech at the DNC Monday night. And it blew me away.
Michelle Obama went right for the heart. If you were still on the fence as far as her loyalty to this country, I think there should be no doubt where they stand as a family in this country.
I felt myself actually believing we can overcome. Believing that maybe one day soon we will be seen as equals. Feeling in my heart that this is the time for change. No more rhetoric. Just do it!
I know I’ve said this before, but I along with many friends my age, are old enough to remember not being able to use the “WHITE ONLY” bathrooms, water fountains, restaurants, swimming pools, etc... Old enough to remember being called NIGGER by White folks driving down the street. Having relatives that never left the South that lived damn near the same as they did a hundred years ago. Lynching’s of Black men simply because they were supposed to have looked at a White woman. And the kicker was being called less than a human being. No more than cattle in a pen to be shipped off to slaughter, or worked to death without ever being able to reap the rewards of a job well done. Without ever getting the chance to share in the “American Dream”.
Hey, the government must still renew the voting rights act every few years.
That’s why it's so hard for most Black folks to understand Whites when they say there is no racism in this country. Although we have come so far from those days of Jim Crow, we still are not out of the woods yet.
Just as on CNN last night when the panel was asked to grade Michelle Obama’s speech, Leslie Sanchez a CNN analyst wondered why she chose the dress she was wearing. DUH? I guess she felt that the dress made Michelle Obama an elitist. What kind of shit it that?
Its a shame that after all Black folks have done for this country they still have to prove themselves. But hopefully this will become a thing of the past. Now knowing how many years it took to get this far, maybe it won’t take as long to clear the few hurdles we have left to exstinguish the smoldering embers of racism.
But back to Michelle my belle!
Watching the video I found myself trying to hold back 54 years of resentment towards those who would keep their foot on the neck of Black America. A rushing stream of emotion that no matter how hard you try, you have to feel that at this moment in time we just may have a chance to be an integral part of a nation that has kept us in check like the crazy uncle some choose to keep in the back bedroom.
But still there are those who will not allow themselves to admit that Barack Obama is the right choice for the times we live in. They will not admit that they distrust him because of his color. But then again there are millions that don’t have a problem admitting this.
Come on America. Stand up for righteousness, and in the words of the Godfather of Soul James brown, get on the good foot.
The time is now. There is no time to procrastinate. The Rethugulans (I like that name. I got it from Field Negro) are sending a message that change and hope are fairy tales.
That this man, Barack Obama will take us on a slippery slope. They’re even calling him the Anti-Christ. Yeah no shit! They have a book on it.
Have a great and blessed day. PEACE!
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