By Daddy.
Well this morning everyone is in agreement that Hillary Clinton hit one out of the ballpark last night at the podium for Barack Obama.
"You haven't worked so hard over the last 18 months, or endured the last eight years, to suffer through more failed leadership," Clinton told an audience packed to overflowing at Denver's Pepsi Center. "No way. No how. No McCain. Barack Obama is my candidate. And he must be our president." Hillary Clinton.
I watched the speech and I too thought she did a good job. But just what job was she doing? Was she beating the drum for Barack Obama, or simply doing what was right for the Democratic Party?
I felt she was prepping her followers for 2012. It seemed like it was her acceptance speech for the nomination, and all she did was add Barack Obama’s name on the dotted lines.
She talked about nothing different than the 50 or folks that gave speeches before her. Oil, Economy, Health care etc... Now don’t get me wrong. These are the problems that should be discussed. And I have to admit that she did a great job. But I’m not convinced she put her whole heart into it. And rightly so, she is still burning from the primary loss.
But you have to give Hillary Clinton her props. She HAS turned the page for Women’s rights. And it’s high time these ignorant asshole Washington Fuckups pay attention.
Now to be honest I hadn’t paid attention to anything other than the abortion topic. I totally spaced the income problem. I really thought this had been taken care of a long time ago though some sort of bill or law or something. But I was NOT thinking that now in the year 2008 Women were still being shortchanged by Big Brother.
What the hell is wrong with these people? Don’t they know that in most instances Women are better at a lot of things than men? Why is it that the Woman makes less than a man doing the same job, and at times with more seniority? I would say in the high stakes world of business, or in the everyday works of the middle class, the Woman most likely is better prepared. Hell she has to be just to get the grey haired horny bastards to open her resume.
Is the word housewife still in the dictionary? No, now I think the PC term is Stay at Home Mom.
Well in either case those Women should be at least able to get some sort of pension when the children are grown, and out the door, because that’s a hell of a lot of work to do for 20 years.
Wouldn’t it be a trip if it were mandatory for all men to register with social security when their wives became pregnant? At that point the Father would be responsible for paying into this fund so that by the time the children are grown, and moms worn out, at least she would have some compensation.
And then there’s abortion. Now this is a no brainer. The federal government all the way down to local government should just SHUT THE FUCK UP!
How the hell can you even fix your mouth to suggest that a Woman does not have the right to do whatever she wants to her body? Her body! Damn that’s deep. Kind of like slavery isn’t it?
And now the assholes want to keep Women from being able to use their insurance for birth control. But they have no problem getting insurance to pay to keep their dicks hard!
So the more I pay attention to the speeches and topics at the DNC I’m starting to see a pattern here.
The old school white male is still afraid of anyone with more power then themselves. As men we already know the Woman is stronger than we are in so many areas. And if you’re one of those men that could, or would never admit this then you’re probably alone, in jail for domestic violence, or just a fuckup at large.
Before I ramble any further let me say that if Barack Obama had turned out to be just another Washington hack I would be voting for Hillary Clinton.
I’m not voting for him because he’s a Black man. I’m voting for him because he’s got a good rap on the change that is needed in Washington. And I believe it’s time to give the future to the next generation. No I don’t agree with everything Hillary Clinton says, but I agree with most of it. Clinton and Obama are pretty close on the issues. As a matter of fact her campaign was more about him not being ready to lead, rather than differences in their policies.
So I’ll say hurray Hillary for being the stand up human being we always knew you were before the heat of the primaries. I know it took a lot to stand in front of your people and try to convince them that Barack Obama should and will be the next POTUS. And personally I’m hoping he chooses Hillary for a position that will allow her to run with the health care problem. It can be her baby. Do what cha gotta do to get it done girl!
You all have a great and blessed day. PEACE!
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