By Daddy
This Is Equal?
Okay. This is the way I see it. No one ever thought Barack Obama would go as far as he has. As long as he does the right thing and doesn't go too far, he's okay with us. Yeah right! Now that it's starting to look like he may win this thing, the royal punditry has turned their backs. And I mean all of them.
It was cool in most White households to back the Negro. Almost a Putney Swope moment. (a great movie where no one thinks the Negro will get a vote, so everyone ends up voting for Putney).

I teach my children to see the person, not their color. Not their race and not their religion. And for those of you that didn’t know, I’ve been f**ked by more black folks than anyone of any other color or race. (I’m Black by the way). Yes it’s true!
And I also want to give a shout out to all the folks around the world that see a better America with Barack Obama as the POTUS. The people that feel if America can make this change, anything is possible. For the USA to elect a Black president, it sends a message that maybe there is HOPE. Maybe we can get to great foreign policy. Maybe, just maybe we the USA can morph out of this fear based, warmongering, threatening way of dealing with our neighbors around the world.
I thought it was crazy that George Bush stood there on CNN to threaten Russia for taking care of THEIR business, which I’m still not straight on what the hell is going on over there to rate an invasion of their country. But I do know that Bush in no way has the right to suggest anything to any other country on how they do their business.
We invaded a country for no other reason than to steal their oil. And look where it’s gotten us. We’re paying out the ass for oil, and Iraq has a $72,000,000,000.00 oil surplus. Duuuuh!
John McCain
Has anyone but me noticed that no one is making anything of the lies John McCain makes through his commercials, and speeches? So let’s talk about John McCains lack of

And to make matters worse people believe this crap.
So ask yourself. If the dude is willing to lie to the American people now, just what would he do as POTUS?
If Barack Obama slips up just once the whole world will be down on him. But John John can say anything, and apparently get away with it. Look at the controversy around Obama not visiting the troops in Germany. He explains why he didn't go, but he was a liar as far as the MSM was concerned. Day after day, after day. And after reporters from all new agencies came out to say McCain was wrong, they still question it.
We all know, or should know that McCain’s latest commercial says Barack Obama will raise taxes on those making $40,000 of less will have their taxes raised.
A Spanish-language radio ad claims the measure Obama supported would have raised taxes on "families" making $42,000, which is simply false. Even a single mother with one child would have been able to make $58,650 without being affected.
The radio ad claims Obama would increase taxes "on the sale of your home." In fact, home-sale profits of up to $500,000 per couple would continue to be exempt from capital gains taxes. Very few sales would see an increase under Obama's proposal to raise the capital gains rate.
A second radio ad, in English, says, "Obama has a history of raising taxes" on middle-class Americans. But that's false. It refers to a vote that did not actually result in a tax increase and could not have done so.
Sorry, but I never heard the brother say that. In fact the way I understand it is people in that range will see a reduction in taxes. And depending on your situation, say if you’re a single taxpayer your taxes may stay the same.
But John McCain? They glaze over it, and that's it. Now I know you may think I'm being Conspiracy Brother but that's what I’m feelin.
Hillary Clinton.
The primary goal of the Democratic National Convention is to nominate and confirm a candidate for President and Vice President, adopt a comprehensive party platform and unify the party. Wikipedia
Ed Rendell comes out to say he's voting for Hillary at the DNC.

Now I know that is what the convention is about. To give delegates the chance to vote for their choice for POTUS. And then that person hands their delegates over the nominee.
We have our presumptive nominee, but Clinton Democrats want to nominate the person who lost the primary? Even worse, there are still a few Clinton folks threatening to vote for John McCain. EEwwwwwww! (Young girl’s response to old man trying to get young girl).
So this tells me they would rather have four more years of the same shit, than vote for a Black man.
Some say I’m paranoid. But what else could this mean?
They keep trying to push the no experience thing on us.
What the fu*k. The Bush people said the same thing about John Kerry and look where their experience has taken us. If you haven't been the POTUS you don't have experience. OKAY! It’s pretty plain and simple.Obama is not ready? What makes McCain ready? Is it the fact that he voted for this war in Iraq? Is it that he voted with Bush 95% of the time. Is it that he feels the economy is in good shape? And leave us not forget that Czechoslovakia doesn't exist!
So I think this puts them on a level playing field. That no matter what you have accomplished in your career, this is a new day. It’s your character, and your decision making that will make you successful. With that we would hope the nominee would pick the correct folks for his inner circle.
Now look. I may a crazy MF, but I am not stupid. I know this country can not stay on this track. There is nothing being done about illegal immigration. Our economy is on pace to transform us into a third world country. Our dependence on foreign oil is our downfall. Actually depending on any oil is the real problem.
But it’s been the thing to do for so long, the greed has blinded companies to the fact that renewable, and alternative forms of fuel are the future. We’ll have a better chance of a future with lower levels of carbon monoxide!
General Motors EV1
The EV1 was the first modern production electric vehicle from a major automaker and also the first purpose-built
electric car produced by General Motors (GM) in the United States.
Introduced in 1996, The EV1 electric cars were available in California and Arizona as a lease only, as well as through a Southern Company employee lease program in Georgia, and could be serviced at designated Saturn retailers. They were discontinued after 1999 and subsequently removed from the roads in 2003 by General Motors (except for a few). The car's discontinuation was and remains a very controversial topic.
I don't know about you, but I believe it's time for a change. It's time to move away from the old way of doing things. John McCain is too old. And I don’t mean that in a bad way. It's time to pass the torch to our young people. It's time to trust that we parents have taught our children well! I'm 54 years old. Hell I really don't want to have to worry about this shit any longer. Give it to the one's that will be here in 30 to 40 years to police it. Give it to those who have the stamina to keep up with it. Give it away, Give it away, Give it away YO!
The Polls.
Polls are rough approximations. Over 15% of total population without land lines. The land line users do seem to heavily weighted to the older groups, more likely McCain.While younger tend to be mobile, more likely Obama.
According to Associated Press, more than a quarter of young US adults have only cell phones and don't bother with phones that require plugging in.
The portion of adults with only mobile phones grew by more than two percentage points last year to nearly 12 percent. A quarter of people aged 18 -24 and 29 percent of those aged 25 - 29 only used mobiles. Only two percent of those older than 65 only used mobiles.
One of the things that AP noted was that the trend away from landlines affects those pollsters who rely heavily on random calls to households with wired telephones. So when you hear the results of a poll which suggest that 90 percent of people think Margaret Thatcher should be canonised and 88 percent of people think that national service will solve all the nation's woe's you will know that it is based on a phone poll of landlines.
Black Folks.
And don't get me wrong. If the majority of lazy ass Negros that never vote would get up off their lazy ass's we would be able to vote anyone into office that we wanted. But nooooooooooooooooooo!
Why should I vote? No one will change anything for me. Things will stay the same. No one cares anyway!
You should vote maybe because thousands of Black folks died to get your silly ass the right to vote. Maybe because thousands of Black men died to make sure you would be called a man, and not an animal!
That’s all I have to say on that subject!
Okay. I tried to stay away from the political thang for a few days to simmer down. But I'm seeing that it didn't do me any good.
I'm mad. I'm mad that as smart as Barack Obama seems to be, he's acting like a dummy when it comes to the real world. I know the brother wants to run a clean campaign, but enough is enough.
This motherefu**er is lying on you, and you're not standing up for yourself. This motherf**r is slighting your manhood. Slighting your character. Shit man he's slighting your patriotism!! Patriotism? Damn! Did I say that??
It's bad enough that Obama had to relinquish his Blackness, but now his manhood?
“It would be splendid if the man could simply just be in the same way as presumptive Republican nominee John McCain. (No one's asking if he's too white or not white enough.) But we have not arrived at that mountaintop yet and so, in the meantime, Obama must serve as symbol and trope. He must represent his multiethnic constituency and he must represent”.
By Robin Givhan Washington Post Staff Writer
The debate has become absurd. When he plays basketball, is he blacker? Or, as the comedian Bill Maher joked: "He bowled a 37. . . . Is he black enough for you now?" And how about when he tucked in his polo shirt and went for a family bike ride? Was he only kinda-sorta black then? (From magazine article?)
We all know that he would never have gotten this far if he acted like a black man. He would have never gotten this far if he acted like a down brother. It's a miracle he's this far after the world found out he has Jay Z on his iPod. They were going to burn him at the stake once they found out he was listening to Ludacris.
But wait, let's backup a moment.
He's also White, Isn't he?
Hey there. Great blog and thanks for the link. :)
By the way, I live in Colorado too. What a great place to live!! And I'm so excited that we have the convention!!
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