By Daddy
Is it just me, or has the tide slowly changed to McCain in this years election soap opera?
I took a couple of days off from watching the pundits on the tube because of political fatigue. I found myself going from channel to channel in the blink of an eye. Channel surfing like no other political bloodhound has ever surfed before.
Okay you get the point. I actually ran my wife out of the room. I HAD to take a break!!
But what do I find upon returning to the scene of the crime? McCain is the darling of the airwaves. McCain this, McCain that! “Boy, that McCain sure knows how run a campaign!”
Now call me Conspiracy Brother if you want, but it seems some folks out there think it’s about time to take this Obama guy down, and get to real business. Barack Obama has had his 15 minutes of fame, but that’s all he’s gonna get here.
Is America really ready for a Black president? Do you think the Black nominee will have an equal chance to win this thing? Or will the powers that be tear him limb from limb in their quest to keep American Leadership White?
Look. The way I see it is Barack Obama has the style and the moves, and the intelligence to be President of these United States of America. Like I’ve said before, there is no way these people could be stupid enough to vote for John McCain for another Bush term in office. Could they??
This time when the shit hit the fan, it wasn’t only the lower classes that felt the sting of feces on their faces. All but maybe the top 2% had to stop and clean their shoes more than once in the last eight years. And my people, that’s starting to hit a little too close to home for that 2% of the population. So I just can’t see McCain becoming the next POTUS!
But, Barack Obama must step up his campaign to address the issues more vigorously to make the people understand how he will fight the good fight for America. Don’t let the pundits trick him into fighting back with negative ads against McCain. The brother said he’s the new Washington. So let’s see the new Washington!
Tell me how you’ll fix the economy. Tell me how you’ll fight against the oil companies to lower gas prices. Tell me how you’ll have our babies, and loved ones out of Iraq in the coming months.
Tell me how you’ll approach the problems with the environment. Tell me how you’ll deal with the racism that still exists in this country. Yes, tell me my brother how you’ll deal with OUR problems!
I really don’t want to hear what McCain will or will not do. I want to hear how Barack Obama can put this country on the straight track to success.
This is not only history because a Black man has been selected the nominee for the Democratic Party. This is history because the United States of America is at its lowest point ever. And to be president means you have to have strong convictions to change, and strong convictions to the people of this country, no matter what race, creed, or color.
And before I go let me say that I know this next subject may not be what you want to hear, but it’s starting to look like Hillary may be the saving grace that Barack Obama may need to put this over the top. I know I’ve been against her because of Obama’s stance on change, but we must remember Hillary got 18 million votes, and she still has plenty of folks trying to get her the nomination. Barack Obama may have to lean towards the Clinton’s and they know it. But if the brother does decide to go in this direction, he’ll surely be the next President of the United States of America.

You all have a great and blessed weekend.
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