By Daddy
I ask you again, HAVE YOU SEEN THIS SHIT?
(The picture at the right is of James Harris. The perpetrator of the most ass kissing we've seen on television in a long time)
Is this brother sick or what? Now don’t get me wrong, I understand the one thing that makes this a great country is our right as an individual to vote for whoever we please. And to campaign for whomever we please. But this is just some downright dirty shit.
Brother, or can I call him brother? (I can't call him brother) What the hell is wrong with you. Even if you are doing this for your fifteen minutes of fame, how could you stand there in the midst of a Klan rally and let excrement flow from your lips like diarrhea? You have set stupid “NIGGERS” back one hundred years.
Now I hope you’ve noticed that I said “NIGGERS”.
"Slaves often pandered to racist assumptions by using the word nigger to their advantage in the self-deprecatory artifice of Tomming.[19] Implicit was an unspoken reminder that a presumably inferior person or subhuman could not reasonably be held responsible for work performed incorrectly, a fire in the kitchen, or any similar offense. It was a means of deflecting responsibility in the hope of escaping the wrath of an overseer or master. Its use as a self-referential term was also a way to avoid suspicion and put whites at ease. A slave who referred to himself or another black as a "nigger" presumably accepted his subordinate role and posed no threat to white authority". (Wikipedia) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigger
I understand that this guy is a Rethuglican. What I don’t understand is how he could stand there and kiss McInsane’s ass in front of hundreds of people at the rally, and now millions of people around the world. AROUND THE WORLD!!
This is a perfect example of “Crabs in a Barrel”. It has taken hundreds of years in this country for Black folks to gain this much ground, and respect from ALL Americans. And I’m including those who hate us. (They may hate us, but even they can’t deny the progress that has taken place over so many years). And for this, this. This uh. Hell I don’t even know what to call him. Is there a name for a person like this?
I was reading Field Negro this morning, and he calls him a SLAVE CATCHER.
Well personally I think the guy is way beneath that.
It’s cool if you don’t like Barack Obama, but why try to tear down years of progress with a thirty second sound bite to further your own agenda?
Well right here and now I wish I could say I hope this person gets his ass kicked every time he comes in contact with a real Black man. But no matter what these type of people do I will not lose my cool. I have to remember that it’s starting to look like Barack Obama will pull this thing off. It's starting to look like we are going to get the change that we as Americans deserve. But at the same time it’s starting to look like McInsane is going to do whatever it takes to win this election. Country First? Shit! McInsane first.
I am not naive to the point of thinking an Obama win will change the country overnight. The Rethuglican’s have this economy so fu**ed up it will take twenty years to get us out of this. But I do see that if Barack Obama does win this thing, political campaigns, and politics in general will change. We are starting to see that the old way of tearing down the opponent’s character is not the way to go. Lying on the opponent is not the way to go. Thinking that the American people don’t know any better is not the way to go.
The people in this country are concerned about the economy, the war, healthcare, education, jobs being shipped overseas etc…
But no matter who you are, or what race or religion, you should be proud of your heritage. You should always be proud of where you come from. We as individuals may not agree with each others philosophies, but we have to give that respect none the less.
To have one of our own (and he is whether we like it or not) go out and attempt to tear down our heritage for his own merit is unacceptable.
I’m so pissed that all I can say is God bless him. He needs all of the guidance he can get.
You all have a great and blessed day.
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