Colin Powell's decision to endorse Barack Obama has sparked a mini-debate of sorts over both the significance of the endorsement itself and the role that race has and will play during this campaign.
In the immediate aftermath of his appearance on Meet The Press, several prominent GOP officials - ranging from the established to the extreme - defined the announcement more by skin color than ideology.
The most crass interpretation came from talk radio host Rush Limbaugh, who wrote the
Politico's Jonathan Martin the following:"Secretary Powell says his endorsement is not about race... OK, fine. I am now researching his past endorsements to see if I can find all the inexperienced, very liberal, white candidates he has endorsed. I'll let you know what I come up with."
Later in the day, Pat Buchanan echoed Limbaugh's refrain. "Alright, we gotta ask a question," he declared on MSNBC, "look would Colin Powell be endorsing Obama if he were a white liberal Democrat..." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/10/19/limbaugh-george-will-powe_n_135968.htm
By Daddy
Well it didn’t take long for the Rethugs to turn on their whipping boy now did it?
Yep General Colin Powell stood up in front of the UN, and the world to back his boy George Bush on the war in IRAQ. General Colin Powell has been an upstanding Rethug himself all his life. And when brother has a different idea on how this country should be run, it’s all about race. Funny how this shit never made a difference as long as Black folk were voting for White men. White men that for the most part simply pandered to Blacks for their vote then turned their backs to never pursue the campaign promises they had made to us. Nope no racism there, just good old politics.
Let me ask you this. What did these people think was going to happen with a Black man running for president? I’ll give you this comment from the Huffington post forums. Besides, I couldn’t break it down any better:
Let's see here...
We have supporters at McCain/Palin rallies voicing their racial hatred of Obama. McCain and Palin do little to control this. They even deny it.
Then, we have Limbaugh saying that blacks have being training their children for 30 years to be militant so they can take over the country.
Then, we have a guy at a McCain/Palin rally carrying a stuffed monkey with an Obama sticker on it.
Next, we have a Republican woman in California who prints up "Obama Bucks" with Obama's head on a donkey's body with watermelon, fried chicken, and ribs on the backdrop of a food stamp.
And last, but not least, we have a guy in Ohio with an effigy of Obama hanging from a tree in his front yard. The guy is supporting McCain/Palin because this country should not be run by a black man.
And yet, Colin Powell is supposed to be a good "boy" and go along for the ride? Hello! Colin Powell is black, too! And yet, the Republicans expect him to just sit there and take these insults.
They attacked a man with life-long loyalty to the Republican Party long before he came out and endorsed Obama. And gee, if McCain had just stuck to the issues and not gone this route, maybe Powell would have still endorsed him. So, you shouldn't be surprised, Buchanan and Limbaugh. You can't have it both ways.
Madinirose Posted 09:58 AM on 10/20/2008 at The Huffington Post.com
Here we have General Colin Powell:
Powell obtained an MBA from George Washington University in 1971 and then served a White House fellowship under President Richard Nixon. (Wikipedia)
Well if you didn’t catch the interview on Meet the Press, check the video when you get a chance. General Powell is very clear in his reasons for endorsing Barack Obama.
And if that isn’t enough let us not forget that:
BEFORE the endorsement Obama raised $150 million in one month.
And let’s give a big shout out to General Powell for explaining the damage being done not only in our own country but around the world by the discrimination of those folks of Islamic faith that work and die for the privilege of living in this country. Bravo General Powell!!!!!
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