I was talking with my nephew last night. It’s good to see him so into the political thing. He’s wanting answers to why there are so few that have everything, and so many that have nothing. But that’s not what this rant is about.
This rant is about racism once again. But hopefully we won’t have the type of conversation this time as we did last time.
I was trying to explain to Tyler, (that’s my nephew) that what Black folks achieved from marching and protesting in the 1950’s through the 1960’s was a great thing. But the generation that came next dropped the ball. And please don’t get me wrong, I’m part of that next generation. But after our parents secured a better life for us from their pain and suffering, we in turn became comfortable. We in turn became satisfied with the few new avenues that were open to us. But being comfortable has allowed racism to sneak back in and rear it ugly head with Barack Obama being so close to winning in November.
Now is the time for our younger generation to pay attention. I know they’re checking out what’s going on with the presidential election, and they see and hear these little tidbits that are not quite right.
“Kill him”. Terrorist”. “Arab”. (And by the way, what wrong with being a Muslim or Arab? I thought this was the land of the free.)

This is what they’re seeing and hearing. This is what they have heard about all of their lives but never really understood, and probably thought they would never have to come into close contact with it anymore. Well my young brothers and sisters. (Brothers and sisters meaning all those everywhere including White Folks) It’s here. Certainly not as strong as before, but it’s here none the less.
During Sarah Palin rallies, chants of terrorist, and traitor were heard from the crowd. To which Sarah Palin should have at that moment stopped and put those people in their place. But that didn’t happen. Neither did it happen when “kill him” was shouted at another rally. And leave us not forget that John Insane asks the question “Who is he?” “Where is he from?” “What do we really know about him?”
And the MSM doesn’t seem to have any problems finding those that will simply not vote for a Black man. And if you were reading the blog a few weeks ago you know perfectly well how cruel and insensitive some folks can be. Oh and did I forget ignorant?
I don’t know, and maybe this is just me, but even though I know there are folks out there that hate me because of my color, I wish them no ill will. I do not spend my every waking moment thinking of these people. I’m sure I run into two or three of these people everyday. But in a working environment who’s to say who’s a bigot, and who is not? My point is, our young folks need to recognize that racism comes in all shapes and sizes. And by the way things have been going lately I’d say it’s not going anywhere soon. Just remember to be the best that you can be. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And never forget where you come from. Never forget where it is you’re going, and where you have been. And teach your children that nothing comes easy. Teach them to not become comfortable with the state of the nation as it is today.
I would hope that they will not allow this to be swept under the rug. I hope they don’t become complacent just because a Black man has finally come this close to being the POTUS. I hope they see this boil on society as it really is.
I think I'm most impressed with the younger generation that they don't feel that it's out of the ordinary for a Black man, or a Woman to run for president. Because in their lifetime it's nothing to see a Woman or Black man in an important position. And hopefully their children will not have to deal at all!

It’s time for people to come together... And so far it seems that there are millions of folks that feel the same way. It may be 50 years later, but without effort from all of us, things will remain the same.
Where I can now drink from the fountain of my choice, you will have elected the first Black American President of the United States.
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