By Daddy
I watched the debate between Sarah Palin and Joe Biden last night, and I must say I was quite impressed.
Quite impressed that not knowing the answers to questions asked by the moderator gain respect from the MSM.
I don't know what debate they were watching but Sarah Palin has now cemented the fact firmly in my mind that she IS NOT ready to be the Vice POTUS.
But thats how I feel. And after reading the various sites this morning, I see there are a few more folk that see it just the way I do!
Last night, Sarah Palin repeated the fact that troop levels in Iraq are now back to pre-surge levels. This is not true. It is so untrue that even Fox News' Carl Cameron had to concede on camera that this was "arguably mathematically not the case." The only problem with that statement is the word "arguably:"
The Alaska governor is wrong because the number of troops on the ground is still higher and the number of combat brigades is the same as at the start of the surge in January 2007, according to Pentagon figures. Iraq troop levels before the surge were at 133,500. While U.S. troop levels in Iraq have been in the 142,000 range recently, today they are at around 150,000 because of an ongoing troop rotation.
Cameron noted that Palin acknowledged "mistatements" but would not retract or apologize for any. So far, I have seventeen undeniable factual untruths from Palin that she refuses to retract.
And they say this would not be Bush's third term? (Andrew Sullivan The Atlantic)
How do you tell the moderator and the other debater that you will answer the questions the way YOU want to?
"I want to go back to the energy plan," she said when asked about the federal bailout plan. "I want to talk about, again, my record on energy," she said when asked about bankruptcy. Biden grew frustrated. "If you notice, Gwen, the governor did not answer the question." Replied Sarah Six-Pack: "I may not answer the questions that either the moderator or you want to hear, but I'm going to talk straight to the American people." And, indeed, she stared into the camera, largely ignoring Ifill, Biden and the audience.
This woman may be a great mother, a great neighbor, even a good mayor, but she has in no way the credentials to be the Vice President.
And why is it that Barack Obama needs more experience, but winking and flirting with the camera says it all for the Rethuglican candidate?
Here we go. The Black man has to jump though hoops but the White woman is good enough knowing nothing at all. I had to bite my lip to get through this debate.
Joe Biden knows how Washington works. He knows numbers. He knows statistics. He knows people. But this poor excuse for trailer trash won the debate? How the hell do you win when skirting the questions directed towards you?
She lied over and over again about Barack Obama's plan for taxes. "She was charming. She took control, and except for a brief moment when a teary-eyed Biden recalled his wife's death and the experience of being a single parent, she never lost it. When Biden sighed, Palin smiled. He jutted his jaw forward in frustration; she smirked. He furrowed his brow; she winked".
The woman didn't even acknowledge his pain. She jumped right back to the lie that Barack Obama plans to tax those folks making $42,000 a year.
Remember The Rules: Time-Tested Secrets for Capturing the Heart of Mr. Right, Ellen Fein's and Sherry Schneider's explosively controversial 1995 book that upended thirty years of feminist teaching about dating? Forget all that equality and intelligence stuff, The Rules advised. Who wants to be Hillary Clinton? Men are simple, attracted to sexual symbols and bright, shiny objects. If you want them, they argued, you must sport long hair and wear sexy, attention-getting clothes. The suit Palin wore for the debate was some amazingly iridescent material, and she sported an eye-popping sparkly rhinestone flag pin. The governor as the It Girl of the '90s singles scene. by LINDA HIRSHMAN for Alternet.org
the Huffington Post October 3, 2008 | 01:44 AM EST)
Watching Biden and Palin on the same stage was like watching a tennis champion walk onto Centre Court at Wimbledon only to find himself facing an over-eager amateur from the local high school. Or as Pat Mitchell told me, "Biden was taking part in a vice presidential debate; Palin was taking part in a junior high debate."
Here's how Esther Dyson put it: "It's pretty clear that Biden spent decades getting ready for this debate, learning from experience; Palin spent a couple of weeks, learning from handlers and speech coaches." Ann Wojcicki, co-founder of 23andme, told me: "I was dying to hear something -- anything! -- from Palin that wasn't pre-rehearsed."
Throughout the entire 90-minute debate, Palin came across as an over-wound windup doll, sporting a pasted-on-smile expression that never varied, except when she winked. Which she did repeatedly -- and pathetically. It was the folksiest appearance since Hee-Haw went off the air.
"The home-spun homilies have to go," Martha Stewart told me. "And, oh my god, words do have ending consonants."
In the greatest disconnect of the evening, Palin repeatedly went to the Reagan well, offering up such Gipper classics as "there you go again" and that "shining city on the hill." But, really, during a week in which John McCain hopped on board Bush's $700 billion bailout, did Palin not see how incongruous it was to insist that government isn't the solution, it's the problem? And declare that all we need to get this country back on track is for the government to get out of our way? Isn't that what got us where we are today? Or had she been so busy cramming for the debate she didn't have time to read one of the so-many-she-can't-name-one newspapers she reads?
Joe Biden's only insincere moment was when he told her: "Governor, it was a pleasure to meet you."
A better exit line would have been: "Governor, it's a pleasure to think that, God willing, in 33 days, you'll be back where you belong -- shootin' moose and takin' on those big oil companies in Alaska."
My patience with Palin is waving the white flag of surrender.....(Huffington Post)
We now we see that ANYTHING is better than having the Black man win this election for some people out there. For us Black folk this is the ultimate slap in the face. "We don't care how stupid she is, she's a better choice than the guy who can answer all of the questions?
It was bad enough knowing that Gwen Ifill, and Joe Biden had to be on their best behavior last night. You know you can't attack the White woman, especially two Black folks.
When Gwen Ifill asked a question Palin did not have a notecard answer for--whether she agreed with Vice President Cheney's egregiously overreaching interpretation of the constitutional role of the vice president--the answer was ladled up straight from the Palin linguistic smorgasbord: "Well, our founding fathers were very wise there in allowing through the Constitution much flexibility there in the office of the vice president. And we will do what is best for the American people in tapping into that position and ushering in an agenda that is supportive and cooperative with the president's agenda in that position. Yeah, so I do agree with him that we have a lot of flexibility in there, and we'll do what we have to do to administer very appropriately the plans that are needed for this nation. And it is my executive experience that is partly to be attributed to my pick as VP with McCain, not only as a governor, but earlier on as a mayor, as an oil and gas regulator, as a business owner. It is those years of experience on an executive level that will be put to good use in the White House, also." (NY Times)
These people feel they can do, and, say anything, and thats good enough. They lie, and distort the truth. They say its sexist to question Sarah Palin too closely. As a matter of fact any negatives directed towards the McInsane campaign is just wrong!!!!
Well, I feel no matter how they try to twist it, Barack Obama will be the next POTUS.
But I guess they could assasinate him before November gets here..
You all have a great and blessed weekend. PEACE!
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