Barack Obama and Joe Biden will cut taxes for 95% of working families, and provide at least three times as much tax relief for middle class families as John McCain and Sarah Palin. The Obama/Biden plan provides $1,000 of tax relief for workers and new tax benefits to help families pay for college, childcare and save for retirement. See the video below.
Barack Obama’s economic plans do not hurt the middle class.
The Race:
Barack Obama (D) vs John McCain (R); President of the US
The Smear:
John McCain has repeatedly lied about Barack Obama’s economic plan. While McCain’s own plans make the Bush tax breaks to the wealthy even worse, he claims that an obscure budget resolution that Barack voted for would’ve raised taxes on families with incomes around $45,000. The details keep shifting on the exact amount McCain is claiming.
The Truth:
Barack Obama’s tax plans cuts taxes for the middle class and raises them only for people who make above $250,000. His plan aims to restore fairness to our system that was lost during the Presidency of George W. Bush. John McCain’s plans cuts taxes on the super-wealthy but leaves more than half of American families with no benefit whatsoever. The vote McCain keeps talking about was a budget resolution that only set broad targets and stated assumptions about current law. I didn’t raise anyone’s taxes. McCain is lying. If you believe we need to get past these types of lies and smears and reform our politics, forward this on so people know the truth.
Start fighting back against this smear by telling your friends and family the truth.
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