Are you as ready as I am to see November 5th?
Now I know that politicians stretch the truth. I don’t think that’s a big secret. But my problem with the McInsane people are the downright character busting lies.
First they show a picture of Barack Obama in his native dress, and immediately he’s part of Al Qaeda. Then he’s a terrorist because of his relationship with a professor at the University of Illinois. And lately he’s been called a Socialist/Communist because he wants to get the tax thing back to where it was during Bill Clintons’ years as president.
The Redistributor in Chief is how McInsane and Caribou Barbie put it. But the biggest surprise in this is that these folks at their rallies believe this bullshit.
"See, under a big government, more tax agenda, what you thought was yours would really start belonging to somebody else, to everybody else. If you thought your income, your property, your inventory, your investments were, were yours, they would really collectively belong to everybody. Obama, Barack Obama has an ideological commitment to higher taxes, and I say this based on his record... Higher taxes, more government, misusing the power to tax leads to government moving into the role of some believing that government then has to take care of us. And government kind of moving into the role as the other half of our family, making decisions for us. Now, they do this in other countries where the people are not free. (Sarah Palin..Des Moines Iowa 10-25-08).
See what I mean. Now what I get out of Obama’s plan is that:
Now what the hell is so hard to understand about that? They also want you to know that Barack Obama will be taking money from hard working Americans (White folks) to give to people that don’t have an income (Black, and Hispanic Folks).
Now can someone explain to me how you can get a break on taxes if you don’t file for taxes? If you don’t have a job or income, what taxes are these people filing for? They are trying to convince the Rethuglican’s that Obama will take your money, your business, your property, and your first born son, or daughter.
I feel there should be restrictions on what can, and cannot be said during a political campaign. I mean the folks involved should at least be required to tell the truth about their opponent.
All I see are commercials from the McInsane camp that try to scare, and intimidate people into voting Rethuglican. And now they’re telling us that Barack Obama is partners not only with Bill Ayers, but Rashid Khalidi a PLO member.
Woah!... McCain Blasts Obama Khalidi-- Equates Obama's Radical Pals to Neo-Nazis!!
McCain today said, “The Los Angeles Times refuses to make that videotape public...I’m not in the business of talking about media bias…but what if there was a tape of John McCain with a neo-Nazi outfit...I think the treatment of the issue would be slightly different.”
But McCain has his own connection to Khalidi.
In 1993, McCain became
That same year, Khalidi helped found the
Khalidi was on the board of trustees through 1999. According to tax returns the McCain-chaired IRI funded the organization Khalidi founded and served on to the tune of $448,873 in 1998 (click
The IRI continued to give money to the CPRS after Khalidi left the group as well.
Asked to respond to this seeming contradiction, McCain-Palin spokesman Michael Goldfarb writes:
(Goldfarb is referring to two speakers at Khalidi's 2003 farewell party: "a young Palestinian American (who) recited a poem accusing the Israeli government of terrorism in its treatment of Palestinians and sharply criticizing U.S. support of Israel. If Palestinians cannot secure their own land, she said, 'then you will never see a day of peace,'" and another who "likened 'Zionist settlers on the West Bank' to Osama bin Laden, saying both had been 'blinded by ideology.'")
Continued Goldfarb: “Why would the media withhold information that might be damaging to a Presidential candidate? It is certainly a luxury that you and your colleagues have never afforded this campaign.”
This last part is from Sean Hannity’s site on Faux News.
John McCain Funded Accused PLO Terrorist Rashid Khalidi's Organization
John McCain is the chairman of the board of International Republican Institute, and has been since 1993.
Need I say more? PEACE!
1 comment:
The Obama campaign and their supporters can't tell the truth, much less the whole truth.
The International Republican Institute isn't a "McCain organization". Under Reagan, Congress authorized the National Endowment for Democracy , which essentially dispurses funds, more accurately our tax dollars, through four sub groups, one Republican, one Dem, one Labor, and one private enterprise. And yes, as a Republican legislator McCain has been involved with the IRI, and whether McCain made it or not, I might support the decision to "fund" Khalid's group. They were hired to do polling in the West Bank. The fact that the Obama campaign doesn't understand that, when polling in a nest of terrorists, you either deal with terrorist supporters or don't do the polling. Same goes for distributing aid. Lots of bad guys cash our checks. That's the real world, if you want Goldilocks (bet I spelled that wrong) you need Obamaland. In his double super secret plan to take out bin Ladin, who does the Senator think he'll be dealing with, Nancy Pelosi?
Toasting the spokesman for a terrorist and wishing him well, perhaps validating his opinion that Israel shouldn't exist, is quite another thing.
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